Machinedrum sps1 MK2 midi dump

Hi guys, I am backing up “all” the patterns, globals, kits, and songs, but when dumped, it seems that the info about kits is empty or showing as 0 info on the details from C6, while the other are showing 64 or 128.

Even just saving “kits” instead of “all” makes it a message info about patterns saved instead of kits… Is this a bug? Anybody else experienced such a thing?

First thing, people probably need to know what firmware are you on.

I don’t remember any specific problems.

Which versions of MD and C6?

have you tried using the SysEx Verify feature of the MD to test for problems?

Are the file sizes different if you dump to, for example, SysEx Librarian?

Machinedrum is 1.63 and c6 is 1.51 I havent tried loading them back again, and when just dumping kits its copies stuff trough, it is just a matter the c6 does shot “kits=0”

I just double checked and loaded the syx files into c6 and they are fine, so it may be that I didnt read them properly before… thanks for taking the time guys :slight_smile:

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