Machinedrum SPS1 UW+ MKII - RAM REC/PLAY Gain Staging

I’ve read through so many of your posts about RAM:REC / PLAY machines, and it’s all great stuff, the way you all consider this instrument and manipulate it is really mind-blowing.

I am having trouble getting the gain staging / volume I want while sampling which doesn’t seem to be a problem when I’m simply using INP-A/B.

How do you set your RAM:R1 machine up to get the best gain staging? I’ve fiddled for hours and can’t quite seem to get the volume I’m hearing out of my speakers to be what comes back to me out of the RAM:P1 machine.

I’ve tried many different combinations of CUE1 / CUE2 / MLEV / ILEV balances and I’ve got something that is almost up to par but still sounds quieter than what I’m able to get out of, say, a TRX machine.

Any thoughts?

EDIT: Changed some wording to reflect proper naming parameters on R1 machine.

welcome, the inputs sound is being sampled down to 12 bits so won’t sound exactly like the thru signal.
i normally have my ILEV whacked to max when using the RAM machines but that isn’t always appropriate.

in terms of comparison to other machines i’d try to think in reverse and keep the on board machines quieter so you have more head room to bring your samples up.

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I appreciate the contribution, everything else down is probably the best bet. I’ve gotten in the habit of turning the master EQ gain to 0 before starting a new kit/pattern but might need to start utilizing some of that gain again.

I do have my ILEV maxed as well.

Would still love to know what others are doing in this realm and also if it is possible to add gain to a recorded RAM sample after the fact.


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