Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

I should also point out. Enabling TONAL tuning increase the PTC range of most machines by several octaves.

Hint Hint: EFM-HH does bass now.


So coolā€¦ Next step for me is to find a way to play tune them chromaticallyā€¦ Maybe a good way to learn how to use max4live.

Thank you for this beauty guys.

What do I need to read to get a basic understanding of how you managed to edit the firmware? I assume there is no uncompiled C++ code inside the machine?

Elektron have requested that we not divulge any information regarding how we manage to create the firmware.

That being said, thereā€™s a few recent examples of similar achievements for old game consoles that would give you a feel for the work involved.


I got it running and itā€™s awesome. Brought a little tear to my eye to get tonal chords and bass lines just from the MD. Also I like the new snare, the video I saw of it previously doesnā€™t do it justice.


Awesome work guys! I tried the x.04 OS and have a little bug report: trig preview doesnā€™t work when the LFO screen is open.


This is so great. Fantastic work - thank you!

Put together this jam last night, adding some percussion and tonal sounds to a Monomachine sample in the MD. Other than the MNM sample itā€™s all MD with internal parallel compression, some SSL g-bus compression, and finally, a bit of Goodhertz Tupeā€™s Opto-Limiter.


I went into KIT / EDIT then FUNCTION COPY to copy a machine. When I then move to another track via the jog dial and paste it, the machine is set to DEFAULT.
No big deal at all to be honest.


default is the default when you add/copy direct from kit menu.

If you add a machine to a track, change it to tonal, copy that track and paste to another track itā€™ll retain the setting.


You can already microtime well enough with swing per track. Itā€™s not perfect and youā€™d have to do it uniformly on any hits that use it, but itā€™s still a possibility.

Trig conditions on the other handā€¦ If they give me trig conditions and scale and/or length per track, then youā€™re talking about a serious modern upgrade to this sequencer.

But now I feel kind of greedy, this is already a huge, HUGE step.


I had trouble with the tonal scale at first because I had totally forgotten every note on a keyboard is a half tone apart, not a full tone. Iā€™m even more blown away now that I can get my chords properly dialled in lol.

I have a small feature request. While the LFO menu is open I would like to be able to use the left and right arrow keys to move between tracks.

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woah Iā€™m just seeing this update now :open_mouth:

THANK YOU @waftlord @v-yadli @JustinValer and anyone else who worked on it :partying_face:


Just noticed my MD locking up while mashing trig 6, upon inspection I found this mystery ā€œmachineā€ on the track which previous didnā€™t have anything assigned to it. I was messing around with the MCL prior to noticing this so maybe it came from there.

Anyone else encounter this yet?

I just tested. All the thanks goes to [redacted] dev teamšŸ™‚

Never seen this ghost machine myself, but Iā€™m not an MCL user. See if you can replicate and report in MCL thread.

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Thanks for reporting the problem. Iā€™ll double check that.


If you install this on the very first SPS-1, will it have 32 steps or 64? :thinking:

Can confirm. Machine copy in kit editor does not persist tonal setting.


Can confirm, trig preview not enabled in LFO menu. Thanks!
Funny I didnā€™t ever think of testing this :sweat_smile:


Any plans to work on the OS for Mnm?



This is more likely to be an issue on the MCL side. Glitched kits with broken tracks is usually the result of some bad MIDI data. Can you send me a PM.

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