Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

Is there any way we can buy you guys a beer to say thanks? :beers:

got patreon or PayPal or somink?


Wonderful work, congratulations on the effort to keep this incredible machine alive. Bravo! Any possibility to increase the functionality of the sequencer?

Made this tool to help figure out tempered tuning and chords for the new GND machines in Max 8. For anyone like me whose brain starts to melt when trying to think in quarter tone note offsets! I hope this works properly hahaha. Feel free to improve it if youā€™ve got the skills!


MachineDrum GND Tuning Tool 3.maxpat (33.6 KB)

MachineDrum GND Tuning Tool.mxf (711.5 KB) - This oneā€™s for non Max users. Let me know if it doesnā€™t work.


Oh my god.

I am actually facepalming as I read the change log. Thank you.

You [redacted] are like the next JJOS :smiley:


Great idea! Iā€™d be willing to donate too.

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Yes, a donation is long overdue!


Impressive work!


Thanks for that ! very useful tool !

Thank you :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:
Does it respond to midi chords ?

Not currently, Iā€™ll see what I can do though.


now that the notes are laid out evenly, Iā€™m betting you can use a Midi effects program like MidiHub to covert note data to CC messages with predictable results. Iā€™ll have to try it later.

I was doing this before the update, playing poly with different machines, sending notes to ccā€™s in a rotation way.
But I hope taxhaven can upgrade itā€™s max4live program patch to do it more easily on just one machineā€¦

So, I upgraded, andā€¦itā€™s awesome !
Thanks so much !

Do you accept feature requests ? Iā€™d love to see a tonal option for ROM/RAM machinesā€¦

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ROM/RAM machines already are 3 PTCH steps for every half-tone, so a value of +36 is one octave up.

Edit: I believe some of them also speed up/down in relation to tempo, intended for loops, so If you change tempo between sampling and replaying that will also change your pitch

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Oh nice !
Massive thanks. Iā€™ll cook a M4L device this week, hopefully making it possible to play them all nicely with MIDI.


Is this the case? I didnā€™t think recordings contain any data about the tempo at which they were recorded.

I donā€™t believe they retain tempo data, but in order to play back with the right timing at a different tempo the pitch would need to be changed and that might mess up any tuning table that was planned.

My understanding is that ROM/RAM are but relative pitch.
That is, playing at PTCH=64 means it plays back the original pitch/speed. Anything other than 64 works as a delta applied to pitch/speed.

Correct. Pitch/speed are two sides of the same thing on MD because it lacks a time stretching algorithm (OT has that).
So frequency up, pitch up, playback speed up. Vice versa.

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Just jumping in to say kudos to the developers!
Itā€™s too late for me (my MDUW is long gone), but this is an amazing achievement.
I always wanted these sort of basic, synth-building-block type of machines; the MDā€™s filter turns anything into a fully fledged synthesizer.