Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

“only selling because I don’t use it enough”

But let me upcharge the shit out of it instead of letting it go to someone who would use it enough at a decent price


I can’t wait to try the loop point thing. This track sounds like it’s coming from a whole slew of Instruments. Holy hell mate.

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most of the sounds are the new machines, only the acid single cycle was looped (which can be done with a button click in C6 but that software is great for getting the crossover perfect)

That’s hella exciting.

great stuff!

Pretty soon they’ll outprice that modified octatrack on eBay


I’ve seen this aberation a couple of times. It’s ridiculous.

I’ve parted with my MD a couple times in the past. Told myself not this time…
…but what people are paying now?
I’d consider it again.
I think the one I have now was meant for me tho, so I probably shouldn’t. mkiiuw in great shape for 975. Off eBay none the less.
For some reason it was sitting in the cash registers and calculators catagory, so no one saw it.


i’m hogging this thread with jams, apologies, but finding X very inspiring. And found out last night there’s a hidden LED laser feature if you use your shite work phone camera in low light. :wink:


deadly. early 90s vibes :slight_smile:
I’m gonna get my 202 & 303 sswf’s in my MD today.

a little thought for possible future OS update (I feel greedy even suggesting anything tbh) :sweat_smile:

track select like the digitakt: so track gets automatically selected when you press the track trig, and then selected silently when you function+track trig.

I find I frequently end up editing sequences on the wrong tracks when I’m in heat of the moment. always have to triple check I’m on the correct one with the jog wheel / function+track trig.

and here, sort out a cheeky tip jar will yiz. some of us would like to buy yiz a few beers. :beers:


But then you won’t have to finesse that thiccc jog wheel.

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I wish said thicc jog wheel had more use. always felt it not the most functional of design choices / & somewhat underutilised. tho it does look totally dope :sunglasses:

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So sweet. When’s your album coming out?

:blush: right now I get home, drink a few beers whilst jamming out, hit record and hope it’s a good take.
not really thinking about releasing any of this, but am interested in doing more long form live stream stuff. Not sure how many people use Twitch here, can anyone recommend any interesting live hardware streamers? the music channels mostly seems to be djs looking at a screen playing music i don’t always connect with, which according to Twitch copyright rules shouldn’t be allowed…?


I’m interested in this also.

I tend to record mini sessions for Instagram n YouTube, recording the audio n video separately. a bit of eq n compression / ozone in ableton n then imovie or somink.
a bit long winded for frequent small jams I find.

if you were doing a live stream how would you go about sound quality?

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sound quality and inevitable f ups are a concern.
i’d probably put a limiter on the master to catch any explosions, maybe some extra beef processing
as for fuck ups… it’s live i guess and some of my favourite sets have mistakes in which only make the amazing bits better.
anyway this if now officially off topic.

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If you sync up with a DAW during your livetakes, you should be able to record MIDI of your entire performance. We added mute/unmute CC transmission for this purpose!


yeah for sure, but i’d end up editing all the mess out and tighten it up and press play, and that doesn’t sound as fun/rewarding as an “it is what it is” take. moment in time vibe.

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Does the C6 loop on option always work or do you have to edit your file in something like soundforge and save it as a loop in the metadata on there?

I always found the loop function in C6 a bit sketchy. I should in theory just be able to select any old sound file and activate the loop on button in C6 and that should work right?