Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

Thanks for the suggestions. Might try scoping the output just for educational and entertainment purposes.
Tried taking pics of the md screens some time ago but had a hard time getting the angle exactly the same each time.

Anyway, had another go at Inkscape after posting and did a bit more rtfming (as I should have to start with but they mostly seemed to come in yt video format and I want text, dammit!) and got all the shapes now plus learned a basic skill :tada:
My brain is stupid.

On the gnd sn if I use the 2nd or 3nd voice and modulate the voices pitch with an lfo Im getting quite a bit of noise but only if the note is low enough. Doesnā€™t make a difference of I turn the track down.

Hello friends!
Excited to hear about the new X.04 Firmware here.
Installed a few days ago and am really enjoying the new machines with multi-pitch capabilities.

I am wondering if there is a way to globally transpose all pitches within a machine.
Is there a way to shift all 3 pitches together so I can quickly transpose the full chord?


Pretty sure everything is relative to PTCH1, no?


the aching user of the monomachine is very much dreaming of new functions. e.g. trigger probabilities. :))))

Digitakt can do that for ya. The x. 04 doesnā€™t have trig probabilities for the MD. But there is a way to create random probability inside both tbe MD and MnM with a midi loop trick. Iā€™ve seen it posted here and there.

thanks, but this is not what I want.

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Looks like itā€™s possible to download stream video with youtube-dl, which Iā€™m doing at the moment.

Very inspiring!

Can you borrow a Monomachine and play around the same way?

  • Take the coords of the 4 corners of the MD screen in your pic, put them in a matrix X={(x0,y0);(x1,y1);(x2,y2);(x3,y3)}.
  • Put the desired coords of the 4 corners of the MD screen into a matrix, ideally Y={(0,0); (127,0); (0,63); (127,63)}
  • Find the transformation matrix by solvingX * T = Y
  • Now, apply the transformation to every coordinate in your picture
  • Boom, you get a 128x64 image that maps to the MD screen! :stuck_out_tongue:

Or alternatively, use something like Microsoft Onenote which does the conversion automatically



Thanks for doing that, I really enjoyed. It seemed like after the 1 hour 20 mark that everything you did turned out golden!

There was a bass sound you created that I didnā€™t realise the MD was capable of. I tried to recreate without joy last night.

But your video motivated me to try using the same machine type to create all the different sounds for a song, and that turned out pretty successful.

Iā€™d love to have more of these streamed events.

I missed the stream but I just got done working on an MD song and I gotta tell you. The tonal efm hihat and bass drum have hours of exploration of them alone.

Iā€™ve gotten clean & distorted guitar sounds, wurly sounds, brass sounds, and electric piano sounds from them so far.


Couldnā€™t agree more, although I havenā€™t got to the EFM machines yet! :rofl: Iā€™ve probably messed around with just the GND machines more than 20 hours.

Inspired by the X GND Squadron challenge, Iā€™ve pushed myself a little bit to create whole tracks with those sounds alone. Then again, the GND sounds are plenty! Probably my favourite thing is how easy it is to create pads / chords with the sine and saw sounds!

The new firmware totally rekindled my love for the MD. Iā€™m paraphrasing but I agree with what Ess said in his livestream that the MD is still unrivalled in the field of complex drum machines.

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So for pads are you using just one since gnd and putting an lfo on tbe volume with ramp shape to have a long attack?

Weirdly enough Iā€™ve been using the gnd-im for a lot. Itā€™s a good addition to background percussion. Also the Gnd machines have been really interesting in producing my own one shots. Drum synthesis is rewarding.

It really is one of a kind.


Exactly, fairly slow lfo. And then drench it in reverb. :slightly_smiling_face:

The MD reverb is a spacey one.

Perhaps you can help me with this.

How are you doing the X squad thing? Iā€™m unable to transfer Sysex files from the MD to my computer or vice versa. Canā€™t send or receive samples either. C6 freezes on my PC every time. Only thing it worked for oddly is the firmware update (thank goodness)

Sorry, I havenā€™t transferred sysex myself yet for my X GND tracks, so Iā€™m not sure if I can help you with that. The sounds and patterns Iā€™ve come up with so far are also very basic so Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s a point sharing the sysex.

The C6 has worked ok for me with the firmware update and the one time I transferred the Autechre sysex to the Monomachine. I did have some weird behaviour at first with the C6 but that couldā€™ve been just my inexperience with the program. (Iā€™m using the Elektron TM-1 to connect my computer (macbook pro) to the Machinedrum.)

Since it worked for you with the firmware update, would think itā€™ll eventually let you transfer other sysex as well!

Okay, thanks. Iā€™ll look more into it.

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:thinking: Do you mean: Different offset of an octave for the DIFFERENT SN GND machines 1-4?
Or do you mean: Other machines (for example toms) to have a different offset?

Does anyone of you use the SN Gnd machines for chords or chord stabs?

