Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

Not sure if this was the case all the time with original OS as well…

Last night was sysex dumping some kits to the MD. Did my math wrong, wrote past kit 64, so the MD froze. Did not get error messages. Powered off the MD and powered back on and it froze on the boot screen. Would not boot up.

Only way to get it to boot again was factory reset. I was able to replicate this numerous times. Every time I did have to factory reset to get the device to boot again (and reload all my presets via sysex).

Only thing it worked for oddly is the firmware update (thank goodness)

I have a SFX-6 with similar issues so I’m very interested in this case.
Does MIDI OUT work in general? Like, sending out clocks and notes.

In my case the SFX-6 MIDI OUT is having a major problem not pulling the signal properly (the output level doesn’t pull up to 3.3v cleanly so all serial frames are distorted) – tried to replace the double logic inverter but still doesn’t work – so the problem comes directly from Coldfire.

@Misanthropic_Friend was having issues sending notes and sysex from the out port. wasn’t the unit recently refurbed with +drive?

So it might be the same problem…

Have you tried sysex librarian instead of c6? Its what I use for my MD, both with the TM1 and a roland UM-One MK2. Sadly don’t have a MM to try it with.

I’m good, no problems with the C6. :slightly_smiling_face: Maybe @Misanthropic_Friend might want to try this solution?

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It was recently refurbished with a +Drive, yeah.

I can push the track button and it sends midi notes, but if I put triggers down it doesn’t send anything.

I just tried it again. Worked fine.

Does Elektron still work on the sfx-6? I can get one but figured it’s not worth it if they can’t replace the pots & whatnot

I noticed this as well on my UW mk2, even while transferring brand new samples to it.

Yeah it’s been noted as a bug with the new unofficial firmware. :slight_smile: At least we can preview the samples as we go through them.

This is the demo that convinced me to install X.04.

Out of curiosity… why was C# chosen as note zero instead of C? That surprised me.

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I think it’s the center note that is the reference. Always an A.


It is.

Absolutely in love with this firmware. Great work! Here’s my first test, a little dub composition using less than half of the available tracks. The polyphony available with the new GND machines is a game-changer for real.

Can someone please tell me why I can’t post a youtube link but I can see other youtube videos already embedded in this thread?

[mod edit: go to the YT video page, press share, copy the link{code}
and paste it with nothing else on the line]

Just wanted to share this little demo:


For whatever reason the forum can only embed Youtube videos now if you use the shortened link available under the share “menu” under the video.

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Good tip, I had no idea. I thought it had something to do with spam detection.

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That demo is great! How did you do the phaser on the hat percussion thingys? Split the L/R?

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Thanks… no, it’s just the filter with some LFO to the cutoff… the MD’s filter continues to surprise me. It sounds great, and the width thing is a clever design. It kinda makes me wish the Digitakt had that instead of binary lowpass/highpass. But that’s what I like - each device has its own flavor.

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Do GND-SN-PRO and other multi-osc machines have chord capability?

Yes the sine, pulse and saw machines. Sine has the base pitch plus 3 additional, pulse and saw have two additional pitches so 3 in total.