Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]


Thanks, team!

Thanks so much for the continued effort, much appreciated :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So now we`re fully back in the game.
I hope someday individual track lengths and conditional trigs will be added.
Because MegaCommand controller is a pricy thing which is hard to get in my area.


I really want to try out this firmware but Iā€™m terrified of bricking my Machinedrum. Is there a way to revert back to factory settings if this firmware doesnt work out?

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You can always restore back. No risk of bricking. Just back up your device before updating.


Thanks micabeza for the super quick reply! This is embarrassing but Iā€™ve actually never backed up my MD before, just my OTā€¦is it a similar process? Thereā€™s no USB port on my MkII non UW.

Thereā€™s no usb port on anybodyā€™s machinedrum. You need to do a sysex dump over midi cables.


Itā€™s done over 5pin din. Do a sysex dump to back it up to your computer.
Youā€™ll need something to record the sysex.
Then update the reverse way.

Itā€™s a lengthy process if you donā€™t have a tm-1. Youā€™ll want to use that if you have.


Just upgraded from 0.4 from 2020. Didnā€™t know this was still being updated! Cheers, you guys are brilliant


TF is a sysex dump??

Did you ever put the autechre patches on your MD? Its like that, but in reverse :wink:

Check page 65 for kits and such and page 83-85 for the OS

Youā€™ll need to use c6 (not transfer). If your computer will no longer run c6, either run it in a VM (which i do) or if you are on a mac, use can use the app: sysex librarian.
(Not sure what youā€™d use on windows (or Solaris))


Firstly - thank you for being patient with me!

Secondly - I had no idea that Autechre had source data available for the MD :open_mouth::eyes::eyes: Definitely will look into thatā€¦

I have an older 2012 Macbook with Sierra that I wonder can use C6? If not I might have to go the Vm routeā€¦.wish me luck!

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Sysex Librarian is great for Mac users. Many thanks for continuing to update this product. I wonder whatā€™s in store for the Monomachine and Megacommand!

Sierra will work. Itā€™s Catalina and on itā€™s broken (32bit app).
Might as well just import that older MacBook into a vm and then never have to deal w/ the hardware part. :slight_smile:

(Iā€™m addicted to vms, so you probably shouldnā€™t take my advice, lol)

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Individual track lengths and conditional trigs are part of what MC offers for the MD. Or are you talking about the Monomachine?

I believe they are asking for the additional functionality to be made available without Megacommand tethering.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s possible


(Iā€™m addicted to vms, so you probably shouldnā€™t take my advice, lol)

I do want your advice! Iā€™m having a crap time getting any of my old MBs to run as VM under M1. What virtualization software do you recommend?

Itā€™s not going to happen. The Megacommand is a steal when you appreciate the number of years of unpaid dev work behind MDX and MCL And itā€™s open sourceā€¦