Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

(Discord invite seems expired though, would love to join…)

Maybe try again, the link is set to not expire.

Odd. Nopes, just says “invite invalid” when I try, both from computer and phone.

Worked much better. Thanx!

Been trying to upgrade to x.06 for a week now but to no avail

Been using the Sysex Librarian to upgrade but keep ending up with ‘upgrade failed, please try again’. Midi interface is Motu M2 and been trying with different intervals up to 2 secs

I’m on the M1 platform now so C6 is out of the question

Can anyone help? :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

P/s: A few days back I transferred the ae sysex files without any issues. So I’m not sure why this time it doesn’t work

might work, i don’t use m1

I had the same issue. I had to change the upload speed. I haven’t done it in so long, but, If I remember I set it to 30ms and it werked.

Away from gear, so I can’t look it up right now. But try transfer speed. Apparently too fast or too slow is no good.

I was used to C6 which was already set for the boxes. Librarian was foreign to me.

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Right, I’ll try it again with different intervals

That said, it’s taking me about 12-13 hours per attempt with slower speeds… it’s downright frustrating

Ya that’s not right. Should be about 10-15min if I recall.

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Hi, can someone share the discord invite again please?


Machinedrum X.07 released: :rabbit2:

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.06 to X.07

** Bug Fixes **

- Parameter locks on a pattern's first step would be ignored on sequencer start.
- Song Mode would not honor row 0's repetition count when starting via MIDI transport.

Thanks :pray:

What’s this about a Monomachine firmware update I’m hearing about? :smirk:

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Discord chatter?

Ye, a new channel got added for the Monomachine but no new news yet!

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The Monomachine firmware update is in the github archive:


Hey everyone. The lede has been buried here. There is big news with this update…if you have a MegaCMD/Megacommand:

:tada::tada::tada: Your MegaCMD/Megacommand running MCL now shows up as a class compliant USB MIDI device :tada::tada::tada:

Now your Machinedrum (with MC+MCL) can be a USB-Midi device


In addition, MegaCMD (not Megacommand DIY) devices also now can boot into USB mass storage mode, meaning you don’t need to remove your SD card to transfer samples. It’s slow as hell, but it beats having to use a screwdriver.

List of changes from Monomachine OS 1.32B "Mindy" to X.01A "Eva"


Monomachine will now transmit corresponding MIDI CC when muting/unmuting tracks.


SYSEX kit request:

  MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
        $53 | Kit dump request ID
  %0aaaaaaa | Send kit number %0aaaaaa ( 0 to 127 )
  %00000001 | Optional parameter. If included, the workspace kit is dumped.

SYSEX kit sysex dump:

Kit version 64 supports transmitting to workspace.

  MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)|
        $52 | Kit dump ID
        $40 | Version ID.1
        $1  | Version ID.2
  %0aaaaaaa | Kit originalPosition %0aaaaaa ( 0 to 127 )
  %0000000b | If version == $40 && b == 1, dump kit to workspace.