Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

Can someone post a new link to the Discord? Thanks.


Can we expect it to be solved in future updates? (a bug with first trigā€™s p-locks in any track in any pattern which are not being applied on Play)

There you go

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Yes. soon.


This is kind of off-topic but i figured sysex is a thing in here, so i ask.

Would anyone know if it is possible to set Parameterlocks from an external device?

Justin already found extended sysex functions but sadly itĀ“s not to be found there.


We havenā€™t exposed that functionality directly via MIDI.

in theory, you could use the 0x40 command to do this in combination with CC. but it would be messy.


Thank you, Iā€˜ll give it a try!

THANKS for your fantastic work guys! I am really amazed by X06.


Meaning change entire kits and patterns at a resolution below a single measure? You can have this on your MD if you get the Megacommand/MCL box.

Hi everyone, I am happy owner of black version of MDUW+
Having this magical box for about 2 weeks. With lates software update itā€™s just something! Iā€™ve recorder how NFX-UC machine can effect single GND-PU machine. What you hear is MD only, no external effects, no samples, pure synthesis only.
Thank you @v-yadli @JustinValer for software updates. I have a feeling that this machine will shine in the future even more.


Wow that was intense. The range of sounds that can come from an MD is amazing. These sort of demos inspire me to get back on mine.


Thatā€™s wild! Can you give any other structural information about the track? I love how we can do these electric industrial noises in the MD guitarists can only dream of :wink:


sorry just seeing this ā€“ no problems at all. works like a charm :smiley:

Woah. Great

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Thanks! I will publish patch-notes for sure soon.


Hi - Iā€™m experiencing a bug where I am able to successfully trigger different patterns with midi, as long as the map editor window is open. However, once I close the map editor window, the MD no longer responds to the midi inputs to change the pattern. Have any other MD users experienced something similar? Any ideas on how to debug?

I just bought a MD Mk2 UW and love the X06. Is there a way you can make melodies with the new sounds via plocs? I have tried changing notes/ tunings per step but its not working so maybe I have missed a step?

Check that youā€™re not on Classic mode.


brilliant Thanks, so much to relearn

Late to the party, but absolutely mindbogging work!