Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

There’s a bug immediately after changing Snapshots (specifically when using FUNC+GLOBAL(long press) )

Pitches are all messed up until you reload kit. I think it has to do with the TONAL setting not being loaded properly on snapshot change.

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think [redacted] said the tonal stuff uses a new area of memory allocation, probably not setup with snapshot +drive load.

so not really bug, just a hindrance.

Actually, it shouldn’t take more than a couple lines of extra code to load the tonal settings inside the snapshot load function. I’d be shocked if it’s not technically feasible for some reason.


I’m having some issues running my MD with the Monomachine, while changing patterns every once in a while the MnM reverts back to pattern A01 no matter what I’ve selected. Is anyone else having an issue like this?

I swapped midi cables a few times to no effect, the only thing that’s changed in my setup since I last was running these together was the new OS. Gonna dig around in the settings a bit just to make sure it’s not some error on my end.

Both my MCL updated to 4.11 and my MD UW+ to X.06

They freeze a lot, not sure how to replicate.

Probably it’s the elusive key-sticking bug. Most of the time a reset is what I do to fix it.

external midi devices connected? always worth checking your Map Editor and seeing if any rogue midi is triggering patterns from the base channel, this tripped me up in the past.
i might be talking out of my arse here, but i’ve seen a few people mention freezing and from their descriptions it’s the only thing relatable i can attribute.

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I have this problem in Song Mode: First row is playing only one single time and then jumps to 2nd row. 2nd row is playing the correct number of times (X.06, UW+ MK2)

I assume this is a bug so can it be fixed?

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I also found the above bug(s) and while i love the updates with the X.06 it kind of makes it problematic to use the MD at the moment. Really hope that you guys will have time to look into the bugs

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A bug is a bug but if I understand correctly, the one with Song Mode is easy to work around by having an empty pattern on the first row (maybe as short as a single step of that pattern), right?

I’m still on X.05 as I just finished a liveset on that, (using Song Mode without any problems) but it’s funny I’ve only encountered one bug myself with the MD post X.04. I’m using the MD standalone, though.


I think I’ve inadvertently fixed this one when resolving the param lock issue Roger mentioned a while back.

Can someone with this problem contact me on Discord and I’ll send you a test firmware to confirm.


Hi everyone,
after I’ve decided to part ways with my MD yesterday and having a short conversation with @ninqe mo, I realized that I’ve never thanked anyone who’s involved in the development process of the XOS in a proper way. So, here we go:

You are the reason I got my MD back out of the box and into my setup for a while and for that and all the hard work and love you put into the development process, I’d like to thank you all very much!

I ultimately realized that the MD isn’t the right tool for me and my musical ideas and so I will sell it. But even now I profit from your work as I am quite sure that what you have done over the last years is one of the reasons why the MD’s resell value is still so surprisingly high!
A very big thank you for that, too!

Cheers & Keep up the good work!


Oh thank you Justin - sounds great! I have joined your Discord server :grinning:

Guys the song mode bug is present in the official 1.63 firmware.

And it only happens if the MD receives transport from external MIDI device.


Ok yes but you mentioned you may have fixed it? I’m always using OT as Master so I’ll be using it with ext sync/transport.

It’s not fixed.


You think it cannot be fixed?

I’m having this exact same issue. Did you find a solution ? Thanks!!

he posted his (re)solution right under original post!

Hi :slight_smile: I was playing around with the MD last night and it still freezes once in a while.
This happens when the MD is slave and the OT is master.
I have disabled everything other than sync and pattern change from OT.
I did not do a full factory reset after installing X.06, is this necessary and could this possibly fix the freeze I am experiencing once in a while?

I should also mention that I have a total of 12 midi channels in my setup with polyphony on most of them. I am not sure if this is why I am having problems or it’s something else.