Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

My guess is the TM-1 disagrees with 64bit Mac OS

No matter tho. Midi is fine for me :slight_smile: ā€¦coffee.

TM-1 is supposed to be class-compliant, but it fails randomly on one of my two Windows computers. I think there must be some kind of low-level protocol bug that causes some computers not to recognize it.

However, I can get that computer to recognize the TM-1 every time by connecting it through a USB hub, so you might try that. Iā€™m using one by Anker, but Iā€™m guessing that just about any hub will doā€“what I imagine is happening is that the hub is recognizing the TM-1 and then presenting the correct protocol to the computer.

BTW I have one other MIDI device that this particular computer wonā€™t recognize, and that device works if I go through a hub as well.

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Thanks for reply.

Tried hub before. A while ago as I got tired of going around back of my computer and the hub didnā€™t werk. Then, at some point it stopped werking being connected directly :thinking:

These usb-midi adapters work pretty well with MD.

I checked it recently.

Itā€™s wild how well my M-Audio Uno 1/1 has worked all these years. Iā€™ve had some generic adapters that were included in various things Iā€™ve purchased and all have failed at basic sysex updates.

Canā€™t speak to the above deviceā€™s quality, of course. But at least the price of the reliable brands is minimally more than the off-brand.

Hi Justin, what about making a paid version OS with this addons (lenght, conditional trigs, this stuffā€¦)? I know that the answer is going to be pretty much no but I woudnā€™t have any problem to pay for something you have invested lot of your time and efforts like JJOOā€™s guy did with the MPC1000 stuff

and yeah we have the excelent megacommand but is hard to get on some countries and also carry with another device is a bit meh for me

anyway I appreciate a lot what you guys are doing with the MD so donā€™t take this comment as something negative, congratulations for this great OS


Yes, my thought exactly, but the CTRL8P is different, so maybe itā€™s a matter of the MD encoders only having on real line, and the 8 encoders are being scanned one by one? I have no idea why itā€™s implemented this way, would be great to hear what Justin has to say @JustinValer

Thereā€™s literally no room left in the code for it, it probably wouldā€™ve been implemented by now if it was even possible. Just enjoy it for its limitations


so I do, MD was perfect before this OS so now it is more than I always thought it could be :slight_smile:

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I have no idea if this would be realistic even with an original copy if the source code, never mind working back from the assembler code as this project does, but hypothetically I would totally sacrifice say the sampled drum machines (E12 I think theyā€™re called?) on the MD in exchange for more sequencer features! In reality they might use a totally different bit of memory, just dreaming out loudā€¦

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i got my MCL today (thanks Marcus!) and canĀ“t wait to learn it. Now all i need is a reverse engineered +Drive or a reasonable price! :slight_smile:


Thanks for the update guys - making some nasty tunes over here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Not sure if anyone may know whatā€™s causing this, but when trying to copy/paste a pattern I get a blast of sine wave noise thatā€™s ear deafening. And it stays. Sort of like a really loud ground loop feedback, but it sounds like the GND Sine Machine on full blast that continues until pressing stop.

edit: It sounds like a high gain air horn being blasted seriously ear shattering and frightening lmao


The only thing that comes to mind and that Iā€™ve shattered my ears a couple of times with the MD is the delay feedback (after a certain amount) but that doesnā€™t have anything to do with copy/pasting patternsā€¦ Does this happen every time you try to copy/paste a pattern?


Haha itā€™s a right of passage :beers:

Thatā€™s where Iā€™m lost man. It just started happening a few days ago after updating my MD from X.05 to X.07. Itā€™s scary as hell because I forget about it and then come back to get blasted again haha.

Idk if this helps clear up the picture a bit, but I previously had a song project that filled up all the pattern/plock space on MD and Iā€™m sort of switching out samples to start a new lengthy project. When I copy/paste on bank A patterns A01-A09 the action of copying a preceding pattern then switching to the next available pattern was giving off that sound. I just carefully started working on the project again and A10/A11 pattern slots did not make any noise. WEIRD. I was not even aware that MD could produce a loud sound like that and Iā€™m sort of scared that my headphones are like another stab away from blowing up the drivers, itā€™s that freaking loud and it does not at all sound like a normal MD sound that Iā€™ve ever encountered, but alas, could be mistaken. Thanks for the suggestion korpinen and I tried fiddling with master fx, but I seriously am dumbfounded why the copy/paste is causing that to happen. Iā€™ll keep updating if it happens again because as it stands the issue is remaining dormant.

Any other thoughts before I Hail Mary a question to Elektron support team??


Good job man that is some yummy dirt :sunglasses:

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Could be RAM machines. or it could be the new NFX-UC machine. Both can produce undesirable feedback in certain circumstances.


Did you do a full reset?

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Right on! Thank you for clearing that up JustinValer man that actually makes sense because both machines (plus more Neighbors) are on the new project kit just to get funky and test the new stuff out, and dude you guys really beefed up MD itā€™s insane (sort of feels like octa but different itā€™s crazy).

After making that post, I was going to add an edit because I thought it was maybe a result of the kits changing and not having the same machines on the previous projects kit, so that was like ā€œshockingā€ MD into creating that sound. Itā€™s just weird that it was present on the earlier tracks and then it just disappeared after reaching the double digit tracks. Hopefully, no one will have to endure that sound lmao itā€™s the scariest thing Iā€™ve encounteredā€¦ so far.

Think that puts that thought to rest :beers: and will eventually share some jams with you lovely folk, so you guys hear what your immense efforts inspired.


Thanks for the suggestion acidbob may have to try that if the air raid siren continues.

Think @JustinValer is right though and itā€™s likely that the RAM-REC machine thatā€™s active is probably causing that sound. I completely forgot about that possibility, so it was a nice reminder. :man_facepalming:

Just canā€™t put my finger on why it happens on the earlier patterns and then it sort of just sort of stops.


What are the improvements from x 0.5 to 0.7. I canā€™t find them.
