Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

Here you go.

From X.05 to X.06

From X.06 to X.07


Brilliant thank you


potentially dumb questionā€¦

is there a manual or some documentation for the new machines etc? I swear I remember seeing something like thatā€¦but dont seem to have kept it anywhere.

if someone could share or direct me, that would be great!

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I think this is the link!


good bot :robot:


Thanks much! :+1:t6:

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Isnā€™t the Machinedrum becoming a MonoMachine light with envelopes, new GND waveforms and neighbours? What would it need more, to go further into the MonoMachine territory?


Pitch data as modulation source, filter pitch tracking, arp and per track delay.


And a properly working CTR8P like mentioned above

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Play GND waveform via MIDI.

user error or bug

im trying to LFO the NOTE param on a MIDI track. doesnt werk.
I always assume im missing somethingā€¦but there isnā€™t much to mess up here.



DANGā€¦I remember seeing that a TIME ago. didnt recall it.

thanks man :+1:t6:

Adding: I screen capped that and added to my manuals folder :slight_smile:

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Hi Folks,

Here a bug, (whose not in the X.04 version)
When use the MD in song mode, the Program Change doesnā€™t work anymore. (send a PC information but just 00 value.
If you donā€™t use the song mode it works.
Thanks !

Did you try X.07 ? :roll_eyes:


yeah iā€™m talking about the 0.7x version.

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Hi gang. Sadly Iā€™m getting lots of freezes with version 7. I only have external clock coming in. Is there a way to disable midi map? Anything else that might be causing a freeze with external sync?

Thanks for all your hard work with this Justin and team!

Whatā€™s the source of the clock ?

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Master is Deluge out running into Monomachine thru to MDUW mkII.

Running into a bit of a nightmare scenario after attempting to upgrade to X.07 from X.05c. After sending the update via sysex, Iā€™m getting a red screen of death. I can still access the boot menu but only sometimes and Iā€™m seeing glitched pixels on the screen.

I can sometimes access the MIDI upgrade screen but when I try to send sysex via SysEx librarian, the random trig buttons light up and the machinedrum freezes.

Any advice on how to fix or where I can send to for repair? Thanks.