Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]


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Iā€™d be surprised if it was the battery since it was working fine right before I attempted the upgrade.

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Likely a coincidence youā€™re seeing it during the OS upgrade.


a battery can just start quitting.

happens to my damn mouse all the time :rage:

@JustinValer sounds better tho :slight_smile:


Just replaced the battery and my MD is working again, guess it was just a coincidence that it went as I was upgrading. It even booted up the new firmware so I guess it was able to transfer even with a dead battery.

Thanks so much for the help everyone, now itā€™s time to dive into the new MCL manual and get rockin.


have you noticed the same thing?
my Best

Nope. And nobody has been able to provide me with a repeatable example.

Are you able to filter the MIDI stream and work out which messages are causing the freeze ?


Iā€™ve filtering my Machine Drum MIDI OUT with a MidiBlokas monitor.
With the x0.4 version i can see the ProgramChange output message corresponding to the pattern in play.
With the x0.7 version , it sends a program change message but itā€™s always a 00PC message whatever the pattern.
I will try later to re-update the MD to the x0.7 version. Itā€™s perhaps an imcompatibility with the fact i made the songs with old version.
Thanks for your time.
Youā€™ve made a amazing update with these hack OSā€¦

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Iā€™ll have to check.

My sincerest apologies Justin - reloaded version seven and rechecked my connections and the MD was actually getting midi from the TR-8S and when I went to the multimap page while running f it was clearly cycling through notes like crazy. Changed midi in and all is well. So the lesson here is that user error must be ruled out more than once :frowning:


Good to know. Cheers.

best use warning.

if you have (for example) a pattern & saved kit with NFX-UC and NFX-CO on tracks 7+8 processing a synth machine on track 6, and then load a new pattern which loads a different kit that has no machines or trigs on track 7+8 then the NFX wonā€™t be cleared from previous kit (until you trig tracks 7&8).

This can result in loud undesired noises if you do have a machine active on track 6 that feeds the previous NFX (like an NFX-CO with itā€™s make up gain high). Itā€™s confusing and unsettling at first cos itā€™s new MD territory.

There are ways around this with planning your NFX placements or adding trigs to ā€œresetā€ those tracks.


Does someone have an audio example of Ring Mod within NFX-EV? Iā€™m familiar with Ring Mod but canā€™t seem to get this feature to work within NFX-EV - might be due to lack of understanding but every other parameter within NFX-EV works for me. Running latest version on MDUW MK1

amazing work Justin, canā€™t wait to try it. A friend just told me. Hope youā€™re doing well - are you in Melb?

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Yes :kangaroo:


Any chance the way (un)muting works (where its delayed/late) could be fixed?

Do you mean youā€™d prefer ā€˜audioā€™ mute rather ā€˜triggerā€™ mute ?
I personally love this behavior and wished it was the same on, for instance, the Octatrack.


Yeah thats exactly it. Im having a hard time
Timing the muting - as if I have to do it one step before I meant to.

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What I would find most useful for future updates is pattern mutes. I think this is actually more useful than global mutes. On the Digitone Iā€™m always using pattern mute and hardly ever global mute. When switching patterns on the MD all drums are on right away and itā€™s hard to remember exactly which drums should be muted before you switch. I know there are workarounds but turning down track volume is not ideal since it will be saved with the kit and turned down for all patterns using that kit. Donā€™t know if this is already there when using the MC but Iā€™d love to have it without the MC too.


Just received a Machinedrum SPS-1 MK1.
Trying to update the firmware to X0.7 but when its finished it just stays on the startup screen. When I do the test (hold function on startup then press 1) it says everything is fine but then I still cannot do anything.

Any help? I want to play with it :frowning:

Edit: this was a new topic but got transfered hereā€¦ I also have the same issue with x0.6 so its not likely to be an OS problem but maybe something on my endā€¦ Althought I know how this works soā€¦

Edit 2: solved by updating to latest elektron OS first :slight_smile: