Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

@JustinValer thank you for the amazing work

I have a question about the md freezing and not receiving program changes from the ot if you have a moment.

From what I can tell I successfully upgraded to x.07 using the tm-1

I am not able to send prg changes to the MD from the OT when slaved. I am also having freezing issues after around 5 minutes of slaving.

I have been doing this for years on the old os, meaning I have triple checked that I am:

  • in extended mode
  • there is no base channel interference/only prg channel selected
  • the corresponding OT prg channel settings are correct. No incoming midi to the OT etc

Would you recommend I try x.05 or the last elektron update? I have a show in 3 weeks and I am somewhat stressed out, so I appreciate any advice

If needed, I could try to monitor the midi messages if that is possible using the tm-1 (?)

thank you!

Did you do a factory reset after upgrading, it seems to be a common re-occurrence here on the forum. I have the exact same setup as you, I also have the freeze problem, but itā€™s not consistent, I tried using midi-ox to find out if there is an issue with the messages from the OT and all seems to work fine.
I am also considering going back to X.05 or using the MD as master.
I think the upgrades are great and I am grateful for all the work that has been put in. But I would not gig with anything other than the original last OS from Elektron. Meaning that it doesnt have all the features and extra sounds but itā€™s stable, the X firmwares are for the studio so far, or should I say experimental, these are just my 2 cents.

Never got feedback from the CTL-ALL machine rec+hold encoder suggestion.
But I also understand that itā€™s better to have a stable firmware than adding more and moreā€¦

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ok cool got it, x firmware are for studio use only.

I did not perform a factory reset after upgrading, did this help you?

MD as a master would be rad, Ive never tried sending prg changes from the MD but obvs can be done. Great idea!

Will try going back to x.05 and see what happens, will report back.

Yes, it did for most people in this thread, but sadly I am still having freezes once in a while. My setup is pretty big using lots and lots of midi channel, but all in all the OT is master going to a Kenton through 5 and to the MD, so there should not be a problem, but there is.

This leads me to say that I think itā€™s best to use the X firmware only in the studio, but your case might be different.

I would try with X.07 and a factory reset first of all. Run a test for an hour, if itā€™s working for you, thatā€™s great.

OT has more advanced song mode, if that is what you are going for.
I think most people use the OT as master, but I have used the MD as master for years as well, itā€™s capable indeed.

This is definitely something Iā€™d love to see. Itā€™s the main reason I donā€™t use the internal sequencer of the Machinedrum. @JustinValer was the first to confirm the bug that I brought up back in 2019 (I hadnā€™t previously heard anyone mention it, which seems so baffling because it was immediately a problem when I bought my MD).

I donā€™t think the dev team has mentioned any interest in pursuing that bugfix - so I wouldnā€™t count on it being fixed/implemented. I think I brought it up a few times here but never got a reply, at least I didnā€™t see one. Itā€™s great work anyway, I do appreciate the effort thatā€™s gone into it. Iā€™m still on X.04 myselfā€¦ the MD freeze stuff people have mentioned keeps me from upgrading further.

Iā€™ve considered moving over to the syntakt, but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll like it.

Itā€™s not a bug. Itā€™s how it works and I love it, but would love to have the other option as well (audio mute).

with MCL mute is pretty instantaneous

What do you mean not a bug? That it unmutes 2 steps late? I agree thatā€™s ā€œhow it worksā€ but disagree that itā€™s not a bug. It seems for sure a bug. None of the other Elektron devices work this way. None of my other devices at all work this way.

The Octatrack does ā€œaudio muteā€ and for drums that is pretty much worthless. Itā€™s the reason I listed my Octatrack for sale.

JustinValer had agreed that it was a bug in another thread that I created.

Definitely not what I would consider ā€œnormal behavior.ā€

I didnā€™t switch on my MD for a while so I need to check ! But weā€™re definitely not talking about the same thing.
What you describe is clearly wrong.

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(Bug confirmed)

This was an issue on the latest official firmware (and still is up to X.04). I havenā€™t tested the X firmware above that. But this bug was confirmed in my thread here:

You can see that Justin confirmed it. Later on I think the thread sort of got derailed, but in my OP I show exactly what the behavior is on my MD. You can follow that thread there if youā€™d like to test it out for yourself. Maybe it was an issue with the MD mkii UW+ and not other units. I donā€™t know. I know that my monomachines do not behave this way, nor do my electribes, RS7000, EMU MP7, Spectralis 2, analog keys, Roland MC units. The MD is the only device that takes two steps for an unmute to activate. Interestingly, it mutes as expected and hitting shift extended brings the sound back to the saved pattern instantly.

You are correct, but it never seems to have bothered me much. Think I got used to it. You might want to use one of your other sequencers to send sysex to simply turn the volume up and down per track, just me trying to make a quick fix for you.

What bothers me more is that I loose resolution when using CTRL-ALL and pushing the encoder, it makes the MD still a 90s machine. If that got solved, and the freezes stopped, I am very very very happy.

Bothers me :frowning:

Yeah, this is why I use my Spectralis to sequence the Machinedrum. The thing I end up missing is parameter locks, although I also gain per track length changes that can be quite nice. So itā€™s a trade off.

Anyone mind demoing the NFX machines in a video? Would be awsome!!


Iā€™m having an issue that I think might be a bug on the latest unofficial release. Sometimes, when I mute tracks, they donā€™t actually mute. On the mute screen, it shows them muted, and red light above the trackā€™s corresponding button is off. But, the sound still plays. The only way for me to fix it is to turn off my MD, turn it back on, and try again. Has anybody else had this happen? Mine is a UW+ mk2.

I can actually md record mutes on the akai mpc 2000xl
Also can record most controls - extra plocking and crtall. And I donā€™t run out of plocks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And jam back to midi with the xl
Itā€™s pretty awesome.

Anyone know if you can record midi of say function plus left arrow to move or shift the sequencer notes ?

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thereā€™s sysex commands for those buttons (if that helps you)


Oh yes thatā€™s right. Thanks for pointing that out. Iā€™ll give it a shot.

F0 79 6F 75 72 65 20 77 65 6C 63 6F 6D 65 F7

it wont let me just post the above
