Machinedrum & turing machine

I don‘t really fully understand modular / CV, I have a slight grasp of it but I am a practical learner so I won‘t really ever fully understand it until I dive in myself which I am always close before doing. Anyhow I am really interested in this concept of a turing machine generating random sequences. I would really like to be able to send a GND waveform from my machinedrum to be randomized like that in a way that I can edit the length of the sequence and what not as is the case with the turing machine. Is this possible like could I make a small rack for just a turing machine and send an impulse from the machinedrum and a waveform to be randomized through the turing machine? And if so how exactly do I go about doing that? Thanks in advance for any tips, much appreciated!

Can you explain a little more: what do you wish to randomize ?

In order to get a turing machine module to play the machinedrum, you would need to set up communication between the turing machine and the MD.
The MD can receive midi. The Turing machine produces CV signals. So you would need to convert the information of the turing sequences into midi and send them to the MD. (So you would need a CV to midi converter - Befaco CV thing for example).

All in all, I think that it would be expensive. If this is the only thing that you plan on doing with a modular, I suggest that you look for another option. There is a Turing machine in VCV (but I never used it)

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the pitch of the sequence and vcv doesn’t help because it needs to be achieved without a computer

I agree with slim in that maybe its best to check out vcv before rushing to hardware. There (vcv) you even have a better chance of understanding what is going on, and you can then interface the turing machine with your MD via midi. Alternatively, if your machinedrum is x.05 updated, you already have very good semi-randomization features with multiple same machines with different track lengths and/or speeds, lfos->osc tune, conditional trigs and mute groups.

turing machine is a kind of computer though😁

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The intention is to be able to integrate it in my dawless hardware setup. Bringing a computer for this one function is to me more tedious than having a specific machine that does this.

Osc tune lfo is too random although it does work to some extent. I would like to quantize the pitch of the turing machine like surgeon says in an interview.

I still advise that you test the things on VCV before spending that much money. To me, building a modular case only to get a midi Turing Machine is just burning money.

Did you consider simply adding a (hardware) midi sequencer to your MD ?
Any midi sequencer with an arpeggiator would get you there. (You could sequence the MD via midi). I think that a NDLR would work great. Or a Future Retro Zillion ?

By the way VCV runs on ipad too, which is great for a dawless set up. And there are so many fun things in VCV that it’s really a good thing to try.

But if you want to go straight to the modular way, there is nothing simpler (or cheaper) than the solution proposed above (Turing Machine + Befaco CV thing).

Good luck :slight_smile:

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Quantizing the turing machine’s output is intended for CV, not midi. Perhaps it could somehow work but I’m not entirely sure how. I expect that it would take quite a bit of figuring out to reach a workable setup where you have a eurorack turing machine spitting out quantized midi sequences. You could consider looking into some sort of dedicated midi generating and mangling box that is able to load some kind of sequence generating app akin to the turing machine or something.

Additionally; the blokas midi hub seems to offer some of this functionality, didn’t dig deep but it was one of the hits that stood out after a quick google oggling.

If you decide to go the eurorack route you probably will need to add a module that enables you to scale, offset and attenuate the Turing machine’s output. Then this signal could go into something that produces quantised midi notes. Maybe it can be done with the captain midi app on an ornament and crime that has the hemispheres firmware installed.

Just a couple more thoughts.

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