Machinedrum: Variable Tempo Audio Loops

So this is cool…

Resample whatever groove is playing on the Machinedrum,
let’s say the pattern is one bar to simplify things slightly.
let’s Use Ram Record Machine 04
Ensure the cue levels are zero, Master Level at 5 past Midday.
Len parameter is exactly halfway, for one bar, quality all the way up.

Once that is achieved,
Mute all the Tracks except for say Track 16 with a Play Machine #4 on it.

In Step Sequence Mode
Place a Trig every second trig along the sequence. So that would be 8 orange lights.

Leave the Start position of the first one at 0.

P-Lock the 2nd Trig (at trig position 3) Start to 16

P-Lock the 3rd Trig (at trig position 5) Start to 32

P-Lock the 4th Trig (at trig position 7) Start to 48

P-Lock the 5th Trig (at trig position 9 Start to 64

P-Lock the 6th Trig (at trig position 11) Start to 80

P-Lock the 7th Trig (at trig position 13) Start to 96

P-Lock the 8th Trig (at trig position 15) Start to 112

Set the Hold parameter to about 1 or 2, and the Dec parameter to about 20-45
(but try not to P-Lock these two parameters)

Now change the tempo.

The loop is beatsliced and may now play in time when the tempo changes.



pretty cool to have this option

maybe save the p-locked sequenced one bar version and two bar version
as the division in time is referential and relative, this does make a difference in placement and p-lock values of start and where.

i save this kind of thing around Pattern 15 or 16 in Bank H, the last of the Banks and one that i assign to be a “Helper” Bank, providing access to pre-made p-lock sequences, also holding different types of drum fave settings in the last Kits.

it is possible to copy just the sequenced note data with p-locks of a track without capturing information regarding the Machine type selected for the slot. Just go into Classic Mode, copy the track (just grabs the sequencer data), then go paste this on any track on any pattern, and the sequencer data - only - gets pasted to the track, whatever Machine is selected for the Track is not affected by what was current in the previous Pattern for that Track at time of copy.

Then switch back to Extension Mode :slight_smile: