Machinedrum with logic x

hi there,

i am new owner of machinedrum and also new to this forum, so hi all :slight_smile:

i have a question about logic x with machinedrum.
I can’t make them to sync right while i’m in logic x, I mean when I press play in logic machinedrum starts but it has really big latency. I tried the same procedure in Ableton 9 and it works perfect, but in logic x no way, I have tried lot of different settings etc, but result is always the same.

I’m using midi cable from sound card output to elektron midi input.

Is there someone here that has same problem or even better someone that has logic x and machinedrum working just fine?

thanks in advance


I’ve heard that adding an empty bar in the beginning of logic can help it line up, but honestly, I get much better results setting the tempos the same and starting the machine by ear. You can always nudge it later if you want.

Someone must have Logic X and an MD running smoothly here?
I’m planning on getting Logic X soon so would be interested.

Did you go the the project settings page and click MIDI then click the box to transmit MIDI clock? HTen you have to tell Logic which interface to send the clock to. Also, pre roll does not work to record your device. You have to start at a bar and often times at the beginning of the song and then punch in, it will not sync up right with pre-roll enabled on recording. Also, be sure to turn on low latency mode or monitor through a different mixer for zero latency. You can get close to zero latency by switching the buffer to 128 or less but that often makes your system start to hiccup. Cheers hope it works
Dylan Nau