Machines or Samples

If there were only enough room in a future update to add new machines or basic functionality to load and trigger samples, which would you choose?

Machines or Samples
  • Machines
  • Samples

0 voters

Pffff machines of course.

I want more sonic possibilites in this synth, not something I can do with a Volca Sample, MPX8 or PO-33 :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, I agree. I voted machines too. I am interested to see which wins here, there have been a Lot of requests for samples.

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If you could stack samples on machines, the sound design possibilities would become endless and syntakt becomes virtually future-proof. So perhaps they will not give us this great feature. :sweat_smile:

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Machines… Elektron already has enough boxes that take samples.

Analog Rytm, Digitakt, Octatrack and I never had monomachine but i think it does as well?

Although I do love Analog rytm with samples over top of the machines and blending them but I don’t think syntakt needs that option.


samples AND more machines. sampler could be a machine type.


Why would someone build something sooo cool? We are at the end of capitalism, so they won‘t cripple their stuff sadley. Maybe in another time where it‘s about something else.

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As much as I love samplers, I would go with more machines, I enjoy the limitless possibilities of what you can create with machines, the sampler would more than likely be so basic that I wouldn’t use for anything outside of firing one shot samples and maybe warming them up a bit with overdrive etc.


No synthesis machine is going to give me a 909 hat, or a 707 ride.
Not even that wizardry that is the machine learning driven Vintage Tonic from Sonic Charge.

So, samples :wink:
And then I can sell my TR-6S… again.


Fucking weird machines no-one understands for a few months but which turn out to be a backroom gene splice from RDJ, Sophie and Hanz Zimmer’s dead skin cells.


Machines. Weird ones. I bought a drum synth/ groovebox, not a sampler/ sample player.


Machines. Because i have a Digitakt.


Also vocals or effects, natural ambience etc.

Syntakt is intended to be an all in one groovebox so being able to do some of that stuff, even if in a fairly limitted way, would be pretty huge! Just fairly simple sample playback in a machine format would be dope.

But I’m in the ‘why not both’ camp :slight_smile:

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Poll needs the quantum / third option for sure.
We’d all love both, but this is about “if only one, which?”

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agree. because i have MC-101.


did MD / MnM ever get new machines or were they complete (machine-wise) on launch?

I was only around from the MD mk2 days.

[if we do end up getting new machines down the line I will be be a very happy human]



Machines. Anything other than a proper sampler would just be an annoyance.


Machines. Because I have a TR-8S. And a Blackbox. And a Digitakt. And a Drambo. And a Volca Sample. And…


UW Machine please - aka live resampling. that’s where old elektron has new elektron beat. rytm & DT went backwards in that regard imo.
