macOS File/Sample Managers?

Does anyone have any recommendations for alternative file managers on macOS? I’m dealing with organising and batch converting samples, I’d like to be able to organise by sample rate, bit depth, etc, and you can’t do this in finder AFAIK


I built my own :expressionless:

I always Finder such a clunky application.

Check out:


Iced Audio Finder is great… he’s also working on a new thing as well… it’s in public beta. link in this forum post.

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Thank you for the tips, will check these out!

Anyone have experience with Samplism? I’m trying to pick between the three

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I have a fairly sizeable sound effects library and years ago I wrote a script to pull in desrciptions from the PDFs that came with the libraries into descriptions in iTunes (and added all the files to iTunes of course) so that I could use it to search for stuff, preview and then just click ‘Show in Finder’ when I needed to drag-and-drop them into a project (FCPX).

I’ve discovered this morning that I’ve accidentally lost the iTunes library file somehow so while I have all the files intact, the descriptions no longer are searchable in iTunes (or ‘Music’ as it’s now known).

Does anyone have any recommendations for an audio file manager (OSX)? I’m going to have to do some work again (if I can remember how I did it!) to get the meta data into Apple Music app so I thought I may as well see if there’s a better alternative.

This has been the standard for a while: Iced Audio – AudioFinder

It’s pretty great but not super cheap.

ADSR makes this: which is a free alternative to AudioFinder.

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im also curious about Samplism. any experiences? or Snapper?