Mad praise

I dunno dudes. Overbridge is awesome

Total recall, is just amazing.

Sitting here with Push 2 and the Rytm.

You know, i almost bought a monomachine. But then, i cant go back. I cant go back to pre-overbridge era. Im even tempted to buy an octatrack… But just sitting here with Push , i mean, i know ableton and elektron are two seperate things, but god, if this isnt the ultimate elektronik music combo i dont know what is. Just right clicking and setting perf macros. Using Push in combo with rytm, doing nice subtle things , the A4 in the mix as well

But geez. I just, i have to say thanks to the big E so much for overbridge. I honestly bought the rytm for its fatness, and overbridge. Nothing else. That combined with the multitude of fx and instruments in Abes is just mint.

I think somehow i got this OTB fear. That somehow i would need an octatrack, a monomachine, to get more pallette, more tracks. To get rid of that laptop. But i can get past it

Its already here. The combination of ableton live and elektron is just perfect, right after super nintendo, it might just be my favourite interactive system ever

Its easy to get gas, gear porning and thinking you need this and that.

But i dunno man. This is it. This is where its at. Analog meets digital

So good


Cool to see such connection with OB :thup:

I wish I was not in front of a screen the whole day. Or maybe only for playing music :smile:

I completely agree. I absolutely love OB.

The MIDI automation of the performance and scenes on the AR and A4 really opens things up for me.

And I find it so stable. Ever since the last update I haven’t had any problems whatsoever.

The only tiny thing I would love to see would be to be able to have all the outputs of the AR available in OB simultaneously. I just think my system could handle it fine. But in a way., I also appreciate that some limitations are useful and can help you focus.

Overall, I think OB is a huge triumph if you have a system that supports it and are open to working at least partially ITB.

I’m not really using the OB editor (hence not looking at the screen much), but having the Analogs routed to Live and using Push to add effects and mix stuff. And performance automation (independent of patterns) on Rytm and AK. Brilliant! :heart:

I agree its not about the screen! Push takes you away from that. The screen becomes more like a settings menu, doing all the routings and general setup. All the fun happens on the boxes!

Also i got push to control some of my performance macros on Rytm, getting nice, slow combo filter sweeps that arent really possible on rytms pads…

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