Make CTR-AL affect all but one track?

Hey guys, I have a very quick question for you today!

I’ve programmed a nice little pattern and recorded some quirky CTR-AL automations which trigger all the tracks to go completely crazy. The thing is, I now want to have a super clear kick (without any effects) to go along with the pattern.

I’ve tried simply loading a new sound to the track, but it keeps following the CTR-AL super crazy automation. How do I clear the CRL-AL imposed sound changes on one track only?

Thanks in advance!

You can parameter lock all the parameters of the kick on one step. Then copy and paste that step over all the other steps in the pattern. The CTR-AL won’t affect the parameter locks.


It worked! Oh wow, thanks for the tip!

Can’t believe the solution was right under my nose :smiley:


You can live record CTRL-AL parameter locks, I think

Yes. I’m not sure what that has to do with the original question though?

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Ah, I get what you’re saying.

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