Make +Drive sound pool easier & more productive

I’ve been trying to put together a selection of samples in the +Drive sound pool as a sort of “favorites” starting points with categories mapped to banks. So a bank for kicks, one for snares, etc…
I’ve spent a few hours filling it up and I think the process is overly tedious and inefficient.
As it is, you have to populate the ram sounds, add them to a track, from the track export them to the +drive sound pool.
I only need easy access to samples, I don’t really care at this point about customization.

Here’s some comments:

  • It’d be a lot faster if you could load sounds from the sample browser into the +drive sound pool banks without having to add them to a track first.
  • retaining the sample file name as the sound name would make things 100 times faster. You have to retype the file name every time, for every sample. Try doing that for a couple of hundreds.
  • you should be able to preview the +drive sounds in context with your track, just like you can with the project sound pool. So as you browse through kicks you hear the kicks with the pattern playing…
  • with the project samples (ram) it’d be nice to be able to reorder them. So after adding a bunch you could order them by type (kick, snare…).
  • tagging and adding favorites on the sample browser also makes sense to me. Why can’t you tag the actual sample files?.

I love the Digitakt but I find it’s lacking in this area. Not being able to save ‘kits” at least you should be able to efficiently handle and organize a library of sounds. I find the workflow convulted and inefficient.

I’d love to hear your comments and any tips to get around this.

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i agree with most of your points, but i have a solution to one of them.

  • you should be able to preview the +drive sounds in context with your track, just like you can with the project sound pool. So as you browse through kicks you hear the kicks with the pattern playing…

go to Samples menu, on your samples pool, scroll over the (for this example, kick) sample, press right arrow, choose “Replace”, now you can freely browse your whole +Drive, scroll over any sample and press Yes so your track uses that sample, it updates instantly. it does not even close the menu so if you want you can go through 100 kicks while your pattern is still playing and get out of the menu when you’re done. play/stop controls work regardless of what menu you’re in so you can listen to your pattern and hear the updated sample real-time.

quick note: this will replace that sample completely, so afaik all of your patterns/track that use that particular sample slot will play the “new” sample you assigned.


Thanks for this, very useful!. But this only works for samples, right?. Not sounds from the pool.
I’m starting to think all those hours spent building my sound pool were not that useful after all. The sound pool could be a lot more useful, I hope they address it in future updates.

yes it’s for samples. maybe there’s a way to go through sounds as well? need to investigate. i almost always start from scratch every time (i enjoy it) that’s why i never explored that possibility :slight_smile: