Make Noise 0-CTRL

Makenoise did a little video with both…

but you maybe have already seen it.

she has a bunch of videos featuring them together I believe.

I only have the the 0ctrl myself but it is a ton of fun with whatever you hook it up to.


Thanks, yeah I have seen the MN vid but don’t go on Instagram so I’ll maybe have a butchers at that link, much appreciated!
The 0-ctrl really does look great fun and can see lots of experiments to try out, I’m thinking of how well it would pair with Elements from MI too, a very attractive couple considering the ins and outs of both :face_with_monocle:

Does anyone run theirs in parallel with the OT? How do you find that? Do they go well together? I’d like to have something even more immediate, experimental for sequencing than the OT (no latch function) and I think the 0Ctrl might be the ticket.

I use it together with the OT. But i only connected trhough audio (the 0-coast that is), so no midi->cv clocking whatsoever. Ik like the immediateness and ‘fluidness’ of the 0-ctrl, realy another kind of sequence experience than the OT. In this setup the OT is mainly a looper/FX box, but offcourse when clocked together you could easily use the OT as a more ‘static’ (well, the OT isn’t realy static :wink: sequencer and the 0-ctrl as a ‘solo’ instrument of some kind.

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Yeah my hope was when I wanted to use the OT for more “straight-forward”, melodic sequencing the O-Ctrl could stand in as a great controller, cv sequencer…perhaps even throwing an odd note into the OTs sequence? Idk. Just thinking of ways it would still justify its presence while using the OT to sequence.

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Experiment. Fire an arp from the OT into the 0-Coast midi, and then try sending CV from 0-Ctrl to any of the inputs, from the gate to envelopes at random/different tempi, etc etc. See what happens.


(no 0coast here…DPO skiff) For sure. I think if I keep focused on it as a CV sequencer - like Stages - do my research in that vein, I think it’ll come out very attractive as such. But that idea is still kind of cloudy for me at the moment; or at least its not clear for me how far I can go with that.

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For me it is. And indead: experiment experiment experiment, which is a lot of fun :slight_smile:


When synced to an external clock, I would have expected the last row to send gates as percentage of the clock, more or less.
But they seem to only work as a plock, so to speak.

Am I missing something?

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Hmm I am trying to remember, the speed/time parameter more or less still come into play and then the clock will always push it forwards also… I want to say I had the best luck sending it a low division of a clock which more or less pushes the sequencer back on grid occasionally to keep stuff from fully falling out of sync?

On a side note, literally and figuratively: sending the 0-coast notes from 0-ctrl and OT midi simultaneously does some cool transposed(transposing?) sequencing. Made some crazy bass lines that way.


That’s what I did, sending the clock from OT.
I used the reset input to split the sequencer in two parts, I really enjoyed this.

I still have to tweak the CTRL, pair it with other gear, control it from A4…
It’s a good idea to send a very low clock, I’ll do that ^^

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So, what other dynamic gate (desktop) synth are out there besides from 0 coast?

Anyone using one and liking it these days?

Yep, still love mine! Very nicely designed imo, works really well with the 0-coast and Strega. I to tend to end up pairing it with a quantiser if I’m using it for pitch sequencing


Also good for p-locking the Moog Matriarch.

I have it more or less permanently patched to my 0-Coast with a bassline that I can modify with the touchpads. Sometimes I turn off the internal response of the latter and patch out to various CV/gates as well, allowing for them to modulate something like delay feedback or pitch independently.

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Think I may sell mine if anyone wants it. I love the thing so much but I don’t have the time to sit and patch it like used to. I made a ton of samples from what I came up and will probably now let it go to someone else.

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A mini-review here after a week with 0-Ctrl, since there aren’t a ton of reviews or videos on the 0-Ctrl. I picked it up recently to complement 0-Coast, Mother-32 and DFAM that I usually clock and supplement with Digitakt or Syntakt.

Touch: no problems despite having ungrounded plugs and problems with MicroFreak in same studio. The slew on touch CV is fine as an envelope with some attack, seems like a good design choice to me.

Dynamic envelope and gate: these , with the strength and time attenuation, are marvelously expressive, step-to-step and attenuated, on both the 0Coast and on other VCAs. It fills in something that was missing on 0-Coast with midi or other CV control, and is a big part of what’s special here, and why I don’t regret not trying to make something simpler as a diy project.

Playing ratchets and bits of melody with the finger plates and the speed knob is also quite fun.

Tuning: easier than DFAM, and the plates’ three channels can tune separate oscillators to chords well enough (DFAM’s oscillators and sequencer-as-oscillator work nicely).

Timing: running the internal sequencer alongside a slow-ish external clock is a little unpredictable (gallops at a certain point, then takes over), though I feel like I’m still getting a hang of this part.

Next to the Mother and DFAM’s sequencers (ad the Elektron sequencer), I felt like I could have gone either to sq-1 (some of whose features the Mother can handle) or to 0-Ctrl (like a better DFAM sequencer), but am very happy with this one so far.