Make Noise Strega

Yes. lately in many threads sensitivity goes to 11 🤸
Glad we have so many educated people around.

I tried to wrap my head around this thing but still not sure what it does. Is it like a MI cloud on steroids ?

It’s magic :smile: It’s definitely not MI clouds, it’s not granular, and more analogue than digital. As I understand it, it’s a complex oscillator going into a BBD-like delay with a filter in the feedback. But it has a bunch of other stuff going on, especially the “interference” paths, the agitation (like a function generator/LFO,) some saturation and other stuff happening too. It’s deliberately obtuse to encourage experimentation, I think.


No. That’s called Beads :slightly_smiling_face:

@spikysimon summed it up nicely.

*and external input


Make Noise naming a synth Strega is appropriating witchcraft about as much as Moog appropriates motherhood by calling their synths Mother32/Grandmother/Matriarch. Must be an Asheville thing. :woman_shrugging:


Well, what exactly is being appropriated here? Real witches use wicca, right? Are there witches who used alchemy?

What about mythic witches? If “strega” is a reference to the witches of folklore, then we’re not really talking about an authentic tradition. We’re talking about a set of ideas that have no ownership.

I think the point made above about Moog’s Mother-line of products is pretty important. If there was something legitimate to complain about with female references in device names, then we are going to have to go all the way and remove any and all references to matrices from synthesizers also, because “matrix” = “womb”.

No one said anything about only the name

Enough already of this conversation.


I’m outraged by all this outrage over outrageous claims over outrageous topics!


This world is becoming ridiculous.


The idea that male is output and control and female is input seems as superstitious and unscientific as all the nonsense they have put in their marketing. Male means small gametes and females have larger gametes.

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Can anyone speak to what they like about the sound of this machine? For me, the sound is somehow lacking, my ear does not pick up on what others find nice about it.

I can see the machine’s versatility and elasticity, but somehow it’s almost like the sound is on a flat plane, rather than containing its own depths.

Just curious if anyone has adjectives for what they find unique and compelling about the Strega’s sound…


Fraught with pitfalls to be sure, if we were to think of synthesizers as having any real sense of human gender identity. All the machines in our setups are either master or slave, unfortunately.

But we don’t even know 100% if anthropomorphism is the game being played here. There are human witches, but there are also mythic witch tropes which are more on the level of simulacra than anything human.

So your point about gametes might get lost in a synth discussion.

I guess to me it sounds decayed, and uncertain. The oscillator seems pretty natural, not really in you face in anyway. I’m most interested to see it processing some different genres of music and just pushing in at the edges at times. On it’s own it seems neat but probably not the sort of thing that I would have front and center in a song. The demos are all over the place though with much landing in the noise drone camp… I think this recent one on Instagram is pretty impressive, not really how I plan to use it though.


All the talk about the ‘legitimation/politically correctness’ of the name Strega is ridiculous.


Male / Female hardware parts are absurd. Peter Kirn of CDM has suggested “plug” and “socket,” which is not only more appropriate, it is also much more accurate. Frankly, even beyond the political aspect of this naming, it’s very pathological and bizarre to project genitals onto hardware. Who thought of that? They should get a life. Make some friends maybe.

Same for “Master / Slave.” I didn’t know people were still even using that terminology. It’s more accurate to say “leader / follower.”

I find it unusual when people demonstrate overt attachment to these strange, pathological, inaccurate words. It’s a red flag for me.

I don’t think it’s ridiculous. I didn’t know Strega was a word that meant something to anyone. Now I know a new word. I don’t have to agree with anyone to find the conversation interesting and learn some new trivia from it.


I’m married, and have a kid. I case manage for homeless people. But perhaps you’re right, and all of those people should be alerted.

Anyway, I didn’t name the machine. And none of what I said is any more ridiculous than “matrix” or “mother”, terms that are indelibly linked to synthesizers.

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Anyway, shall we get back to talking about the synth itself? When’s the official release date? I see most UK retailers have it down for late Feb/early March. I cannot wait for some proper videos that aren’t paid promotion etc.


Please :pray:

Make Noise have said on Facebook etc that they are starting shipping this week. I have a preorder at Elevator Sound, they also said late Feb/early March, so I guess it depends on how long they take to ship from the States.



Sarah Belle Reid has an EP coming out featuring the Strega. Sounds great from her IG posts.


Im not big on it but imma start flagging posts if this keeps up, starting with my own.


This synth looks pretty dang nice!