Making music with slices

Ok so I have a bunch of samples from mars synth notes chained together using octachainer, and I’m trying to use the slices mode on the triggers to play them like I would on a keyboard. Is there an effect I can add to make the transition from trig to trig feel more musical like how a keyboard would feel? Something with slides maybe? Would playing these on a Keystep via midi somehow make playing these samples blend together more?


There’s the amp and filter envelopes which might help, adding delay and reverb also helps to mask the sudden transition if that’s bothering you. You can also look at setting up a loop points at the end of slices and maybe try the pingpong mode to give it a different kind of sustain.

I recently got a Blokas Midihub which I’ve got setup to translate velocity and pressure from a pad controller into CCs that alter LFO depths on the OT, combined with a flat custom LFO wave and set to control amp volume it gives me the ability to trigger things much more expressively.

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If you use slide trigs you’ll get portamento.
You’ll need to tweak the amp envelope somewhat, and dony forget page 2 of the amp env, to get a more lively feel.

P-Locking amp vol to act as velocity can be useful, also assign some lfos to various paramters to bring the samples to life will help.

You can use a midi keyboard, but you’ll still only get 2 octave range.

Personally I dont really like the octatrack for chromatic play back of samples, but thats just me.


Thanks so much for the reply’s, I also found that shaving the slices beginnings down ever so slightly reduced the attack enough to have the trigs move seamlessly together.


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