Making the most of the individual outs

my setup is pretty small, just machinedrum, one other synth and scarlett 2i2.

i can only have one thing plugged in at a time, coz only got 2 inputs on the audio interface obv.

so where can i route the individual outs from the machinedrum? any creative ways that people mangle stuff up from them? doesnt it just send out individual ‘tracks’ from 1-16 to the outputs? all i do at the minute is get a good beat going with parameter locks and record it into ableton, rinse repeat. its getting stale and i want to change things up a bit.

do i need a bigger audio interface?
this music stuff aint cheap :frowning:



no need to spend a lot of $$. simplest thing, you can get an effect pedal, and route a track or more through it and back into the machinedrum if you are not using the inputs. that way you have a playable effect on a submix of the MD’s tracks. If you want to dive deeper in MD, consider getting a MCL and upgrading to X.05 if you havent already.
I definately wouldnt get a bigger soundcard for MDs individual outs.

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lets hear it then



yes mate this is fucking banging

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It is what it is, man

You don’t need a bigger interface I have read Surgeon saying he just records stereo inputs and doesn’t multitrack everything.

He said he gets two things vibing and lays them down and then adds more percussion after.

Constraints make for creativity! I’m trying to save you money… You could also buy more inputs :smiling_imp:

Even a simple mixer for easier eqing or just vibe if it’s a mixer with vibe. Added bonus of sends for some external FX.

Then record the stereo of that

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I don’t want to highjack the thread but I have to ask I see a lot of people using their MD with modular and I have to ask how are you using it?
Are you using impulse machines on individual outs to control clocks and trigger function generators? Other then that what else can you do with the MD and modular and bow?

Plus external fx and ritmic processing, am,fm modulation, exciter for modal filter bank, midi for synthvoice etc.

I fully forgot about this inspiring vid!

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Get a used Mackie 1402 and a used FX pedal. Any old crusty reverb or delay will do.

Probably do that for around $200


1402 goes into your interface as two tracks. The MD tracks go into the individual channels on the mixer.

You’ll be stoked.