Marketing your music

I fucking hate marketing. I’ve worked in marketing companies before (design/dev) and I hated it. It all seems so insincere, deceptive, and anti-privacy. I’m also pretty anti-capitalist in general.

I don’t want to turn my music into a business or anything, but it would be nice if the people who would actually like it could find it and enjoy it.

How do you make that happen without being a soulless social media parasite?


Maybe provocative imagery, little to no info and daring artistic decisions?

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My thoughts exactly! Haven’t figured out a way to do that myself. I have 1-2 hours a day to make music and I def don’t want to spend that time on scrolling through socials. Actually just created an IG account a cpl months ago. Even after that the only place where I ”advertise” my music has been this forum tho. :smile:


Being that a business needs to be viable and you need a product that meets demand I can’t see me ever being in a position to treat it like a business

It’s a hobby that sometimes makes it beyond my social media posts

I genuinely aren’t sure how I’d approach it if it was good enough to make a business out of.


On Thanksgiving drop live turkeys from a helicopter with usb keys of your latest releases gently tied around on of their legs into an area with a high population of people who knows what slaps.


Dead turkeys would be easier to catch.


Ok. I will fax that suggestion over to Andy Travis a bit later.


Stuffed dead turkeys would be good to cook/eat while listening to your latest release on a USB stick found in the stuffing.


I mean honestly most musicians these days don’t really have a viable business. Even most professional musicians rely more on income from things other than selling music. The supply of music far outweighs the demand overall, which is why its so hard to cut through the noise and reach people.


Basically, I just have a small Soundcloud page that I set up years ago and upload recordings of my Elektron boxes occasionally. I then look at local events that are similar (loosely, there’s not much of an electronic music scene where I live) to what I do and go there physically. I find out who is in charge of booking and ask if they’re looking for more performers. If all goes well I’ll message them my Soundcloud page on Facebook and I’ll have a gig!

That’s how I do it, though I’m definitely more focused on live performances than plays online.


Don’t expect the average consumer sit thought some 6 minute generative kaleidoscope video and feel anything much about it if they do.

Personality is marketing. No personality = no market. Why do you think I overshare. My management company told me to. They said well if you ramble on enough and get on people’s nerves they will be bound to check out your tracks even if they think you’re an annoying twat.

Most important be yourself but also be someone else.

…i feel u…

right here, at the beginning of the information age, in the middle of self promoting wonderland, it all becomes pretty senseless, if u don’t shout out loud as much as u can, at the top of ur lungs, multiply all possible multiplication, constantly, to only catch some more attention…

all this click me click me click me will eat itself…

but even before all that, it already felt generally disgusting, to promote…

i found my peace by establishing overexclusiveness and total understatement…

always do what u do, no matter what and stay strong enough to give a shit, just don’t care if it’s all taking place for just one person or for a million…that u and ur content only exists for itself, if people like or not…

u can be present on utube, on insta, on bandcamp and even on tiktok and streamingfarms…
there’s always a way to do it with understatement, truu style and totally free from any begging for other peoples attention…

vast majority likes to get it all rubbed into their faces…

while those who can feel the difference, make the difference, even as a minority…
and if ur real and therefor special enough, it might multiply enough to even make some profit…


What do you mean by this?
I’m asking bcs is find the opposite to be true, at least closer to some kind of truth.

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I mean that we are talking about electronic music made mostly by twisting knobs, sequencing and such, no one who isn’t trying to make this sort of music really cares about seeing the aspect of it, people need to somehow insert more of their personality into it through presentation or whatever. Show what’s behind the machine while creating mystique. Most people here probably don’t want to hear that, they want their music to stand on its own, yada yada but my point isn’t limited to just the time we live in. Take it for what you want,

What?? :rofl:
That’s very contradictory isn’t it?

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I think it’s a paradox. I’m not talking about doing gear reviews or posting photos chinging champagne glasses on a yacht. One could look at Aphex Twin as an example if they want.


@Strutter @onthebannedwagon

Both are viable strategies just different in approach.

@Strutter is taking an auture approach

@onthebannedwagon is taking a proactive approach.


I didn’t think that’s what you meant.
Maybe I’m naive but to me it seems that the best way to get noticed is to make art that somehow stands out.


Why not just take it straight to Mr Carlson there Les?

This thread is heating up!

I love what @Strutter is saying as an artist myself. You gotta have a very clear vision and intention for this to work.