
Yes, that old thread again,
I remember finding an answer to this many years ago but I’m giving it a second thought now.

In the Monomachine manual (always nice to glance over manuals every once in a while) it says that when the MnM is synced to an External Clock the swing values become 4 fixed ones (50% 60% 70% 80%) this can be quite limiting regarding sequencing synthesizers (if you want different grooves).

The manual for the MD doesn’t state anything similar and it retains it’s full swing values even when it’s synced to an external clock…

I’ve always had my Monomachine as the master and the MD slaved to that,
but the Drum Machines in this world have their own grooves/rhythm and different timing bases (PPQN). The drummer keeps the time (most of the time).

Last night I was using the MD as master at 3/4 speed at 2X time with a low BPM then using the Monomachine as slave at 3/4 normal time (slower sequencer), transposing the arpeggiator (which plays at the same time as the MD).
I couldn’t really tell (without recording) which should be the Master?
The Monomachine maybe because of the loss of “detailed swing” when it’s a slave.

Maybe their output clock is quite similar, if not the same?
Maybe it’s different, who knows? I’d suspect a drum machine to have more of a rhythmic/timing feel instead of a sequencer which is more oriented towards melodies and “sequencing” notes… Maybe it’s similar…
The swing is definitely different on the two.
The MnM being (IMO) a bit more wonky (when it’s the master)
and the MD more smooth. (maybe that’s due to drum hits vs. synths and MIDI latency, I dunno)

Just got a MIDI Merger to merge a controller into the MnM along with the Sync from the M:;D hehe

But I’m thinking about PPQN values,
does anybody know these on the Machinedrum and Monomachine?

I read in an article about the Machinedrum that a 32nd note (in a specific scale mode, probably 2x speed) is 8 PPQN (so 8x4 = 36 PPQN? divide that by 2 = 18 PPQN hmmm)

I like 24 or 48 PPQN (swing becomes more drastic and it’s not so much information compared to say a 4096 PPQN computer sequencer)

It is possible to change the PPQN with Tempo and the Scale Function.
I just want to know what I’m working with so I can do the calculations :slight_smile: hehe


I’m pretty sure the MD is the same as the MNM when it comes to swing & external clock.
If you apply ext clock I don’t think there is any difference between 50% & 54%. When you reach 55% it jumps to a new swing value.
That’s my memory of it, I’ll try it later on & check, hmm


I’m pretty sure the MD is the same as the MNM when it comes to swing & external clock.
If you apply ext clock I don’t think there is any difference between 50% & 54%. When you reach 55% it jumps to a new swing value.
That’s my memory of it, I’ll try it later on & check, hmm[/quote]
Yup, double checked this and it too “looses” it’s detailed swing…
Then the question is:
Do you want to swing the drums in greater detail or the synths?
Also, knowing the PPQN base value would help out to calculate timing and such, any ideas?
How does one calculate unknown PPQN?

Yeah re checked mine too. As far as I’m aware this will be case for all gear slaved to midi clock which is a standard set at 24 ppqn.
If you’re clocking you lose swing resolution & from what I can glean that’s just the way it is!
The alternative is to send midi notes from an external seq like Cirklon. That way all your gear swings together & you have ‘delay’ per track too to really fine tune things!
Downside is you lose p.locks but then there are Auxes &…well… That’s a whole other rabbit hole to wander down :slight_smile: