Mastering Syntakt course - Part 1 is here!

Hi fellow Elektronauts,

I’m very stoked to share with you the latest installment of the courses I’m creating: The Mastering Syntakt course. As with my previous courses the release will be done in parts with increasing degrees of complexity. The courses dive deep into the instrument’s functionality and at the same time music production and groove creation techniques. The feedback on previous courses so far has been amazing and I’m super glad to be able to continue doing this. Hopefully you’ll enjoy this course as much!

Released parts of the course:
For each part of the course I’ll post the link to the store page where you can watch the introduction video, and a few videos of the course itself so you get an idea of what it looks like.

Part 1

The approach
The full course will dive deep into the Syntakt functionality and show from beginning to end how to get the most out of it. A look over my shoulder as I progress step by step in experimenting, and creating grooves… No quick video editing or skipping over things, but clear, thorough explanations containing a combination of Syntakt features, sound design theory and groove creation techniques.

The Full course in parts
It will be released part by part which you can buy separately or as a package as I release them. The outline I have in mind for Syntakt is similar to Digitakt and is as follows:

ST1: Basics & Groove Creation
ST2: Advanced techniques & Sound Design
ST3: Expert Techniques

A little disclaimer here: It might be that I’ll create only a part 2 that covers the latter two difficulty levels.

For who is this?
For anyone from a complete beginner who wants to quickly learn to use the Syntakt and create grooves, to experienced users who are looking to get inspired by new tricks, workflow and sound design ideas.

End result

  • An enormous amount of video’s containing many hours of content.
  • A beautiful Syntakt Cheat Sheet (will be released in June 2023)
  • A workbook for each part containing all subjects of each video, notes of things I talk about, tips that appear in screen, and key-combinations.
  • For each part the project I create during the course
  • Sounds created during the course (contained in the project for part 1)

Bundle prices
As I roll out each part, I create bundles of parts that you can get for a bundle price. If you get a part in this rolling out phase, you’ll pay the same as someone who will get the entire bundle when everything’s released. So you can start right away without waiting for the bundle.

If you end up taking the course I sincerely hope you enjoy it! You can always contact me if you have any questions about the course or during the course.



Thanks so much man. Some proper Elektron tutorials are much appreciated.

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Cheers :pray:
Can’t wait to start creating part 2 :). Expect to be able to release that in July.

I’m sure this is a brilliant course, Dave is a fantastic teacher and makes my favourite Digitakt and Digitone content on YouTube. Makes me want a Syntakt. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the kind words Claid :heart: :slight_smile: