May buy an AR mk2- some quick workflow questions

You need to read page 24 of the manual to remind yourself of how projects are stored. You need to Save Project before you switch to another project.

You need to save kit as often as possible, basically before you switch to editing another kit.

You need to read page 41 of the manual. Patterns are stored automatically in the project, but Save Pattern allows you to flip back to a previously saved state.


Ok, yeah I read it but it did not compute the first time.

1 week of 3+ hours on this every day and I still just realized you can press and hold yes or no for super fast shortcuts. :dizzy_face:

Even though the manual clearly states this, I dove into the Thavius Beck tutorials and he does not use this, so neither was I.

I am getting there though. I think I simply messed up when loading that new SYSEX and probably copied over some stuff by mistake.

I do it the same way now, just started with the ARmk1, so if you can follow up on any drum processing recommendations iā€˜d appreciate that.
I found myself routing my BD and SD + if i use a 2VCO machine to the individual outputs and route all other drums to the main out for recording. Works finde for me. Also with a proper interface i found myself having much less latency than with overbridge, allowing real time playability with DAW monitoring.