yeah indeed… it feels a bit fiddly
Does the 101 have a count-in feature before you start recording?
Is this a pad feature like in Circuit and Monostation (which makes it a bit fun) or do you have to turn the knob to find the direction you want?
Turn the knob
Every sequencer track has a direction in settings.
nope : (
Received mine yesterday… damn that thing is deep !
For anyone wondering, some of the different metronome type sounds on the 707 are hillarious. Also the metronome goes through the MFX so if you wanna resample that, you can, but there’s no way to have it not go through it that I know.
track lenght can be done like with the Circuit
I have been perusing all of the manuals, but some things aren’t clear to me:
does each of the 8 tracks have their choice of their own multi effect, and then in the master effect section there is a completely separate choice of an additional multi effect across the whole mix?
If looks like that might be the case.
Also, doesn’t it look like they have purposely left space in the diagram for a fourth “type” of track?
Perhaps a “slice” type?
There is a lot I like about this box, especially all of the ins & outs.
How has the USB audio been for people so far?
This is a good place for the Saturator or or enhancer, if you want more of a finished record sound.
Also worth nothing, the master comp is multi-band.
I don’t think so, the diagram just shows that a track can be in an empty state.
yeah no hopes there.
We could still get a “slice to kit” function… I won’t hold my breath on this one, but that would make sense.
This is a very cool observation on interface design.
Much easier to design an intriguing box when it’s not trying to be all things to all people.
Anyone have any case ideas for the 101? I’m usually pretty good at finding a good unofficial case for a synth but haven’t found one for the 101 yet. Maybe Roland will release an official carrying case eventually.
Can the 707 or 101 control a sequence for my Reface CS?. Then bounce back back as a loop into the groovebox? Cheers. If not what can?
is the 101 close to being volca sized? lots of cases made for volcas
Was hoping so as well. But it’s bigger in any dimension.
And smaller than the Digis.
Simply couldn’t decide and bought both of them. Wanted to give them a try and keep the one that suits me better. (30 day money back).
Ended up keeping both because I picture myself with the 101 on the road sketching ideas. And continue to work on that sketches at home on the 707.
Initially I was skeptical because of the sounds that were demoed on youtube. Sounded kind of cheap and plasticy (is that a word?). Seemed to me those were only usable for 90’s EDM and not much more. I was wrong. You can get the sound you want by mangling the presets or use your own stuff. So far I have just used the presets - a little pitch correction here, some filter and envelope adjustments there and voila!
I was looking for quite a while now to find a performant all-in-one solution. Tried MPC Live and Force. Both didn’t work for me.
MC does.
And I got both units for basically the price of a Force.
And my 5 year old likes it as well. What can I say…