MC /Digitone

Call me crazy, but I just feel MC sounds much solid (for the lack of a better word) and more inspiring(even if more limited) than the Digitone that I had upon release years ago and returned.

Now… after liking the MC (even though I am more into substractive synthesis), I am thinking IF Digitone can t really achieve the sound quality of MC and if I shouldn t get it again.

What stops me is that I remember I didn t feel it at the time, perceiving its sound kind of thin and uninspiring to me.

What s ur opinion on that and thanks!

I use them together - MC for FM Autechrish beats, Digitone providing drones pad and bass


They make a great pair!

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Previously on Elektronauts:



I call you crazy :wink:


I did a search and read all that. My previous thread was before I got the MC.
My question is more about Digitone… because like I said, for the short time I had it, it didn t seem close to MC sound at all.
I would only get it again if can do and go further in the direction of MC sound quality.
Most videos I found didn t come close to MC…

It’s possible that you just didn’t like the Digitone at that time for whatever reasons and that’s ok. The MC definitely sounds great and the DN sounds great as well with more possibilities to shape the sound into whatever you like. I highly recommend both of them for whatever needs you may have. They’re both fun boxes in classes of their own.


Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right.


All aboard

if the MC really sounds better than the DN I should really try it soon😬

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It does not sound better, it sounds different


You certainly like the immediacy of the M:C. You have 6 Tracks and every one of them reflects a certain Color. If you put aside the Presets on the DN, the default Sound is a Sin Wave, you need to work a bit harder to get a Color. So you need a little more knowledge on FM Synthesis if you work with the DN than the M:C.


It has some banging drumsounds, that i like a lot.

But it can´t go into the territories in which the DN can go. Like this:


I like using both at the same time too, I really like the drums on the model:cycles, and the fact that it frees up tracks on my digitone

I usualy use the digitone for pads, leads, and gritty basses, as well as the weirder side of percs

but I can understand the digitone not being for everybody, a lot of its sound can easily turn glitchy or grimy, and if that doesn’t go with your style, it can be a pain

here’s a small techno jam I made with my model:cycles and digitone tonight: