MCL tutorial(s)


YES!!! Thank you!!

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I can’t focus with that pic of the brain there…!

Edit, managed to get past it, starting to get more of a feel for the MCL. Cheers.

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Thanks for the videos.

In the MCL Documentation there are trig conditions denoted as L1^, L2^, P1^.

“When these condition modes are selected, parameter locks and slides must also obey the trig condition.”

What is the difference though? Using L2 and L2^ seem to produce the same result.

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L2 triggers the locks with each iteration. L2^ triggers the locks only every second (or n) iteration.

Its a nifty feature, for experimentation i can suggest to play around with trx-bd2. Give it a long decay place a trigless with other pitch or filter-value nearby and change between l/px and l/px^


Thanks! Didn’t know this yet :innocent: