MCL tutorial(s)

Nauts! I received my MCL two days ago - and it‘s AMAZING! I made a short tutorial for the first basic steps. Maybe it‘s useful for you.

(I filmed from a single fixed angle - so the MCL close-up in chapter three is a bit blurry. To be improved in future tutorials;-))


Thanks for doing this, I think these could be very useful!


Thanks for doing this, can’t wait for the next one.

I struggle a bit with my MCL, as i’m so used to the MD way of doing things like saving kits and patterns, that i’m having a hard time getting used to the MCL.


I think the biggest thing people have a difficult wrapping their head around is the grid and how to use it (if you’re looking for suggestion for vid making). It would probably be a big help for those considering an MCL.
There’s the 1 vid from Yatao that is probably the best vid of showing the grid working/in action, but if you’ve never used an MCL before, it’s difficult to know what’s going on there and how he’s using it.

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I’m gonna be honest. I’ve had the MCL for a good while now and even though I’ve been using the MD a lot, I have kinda been afraid to actually start learning it cos I thought it’d be a hassle as with midi controllers sometimes and take away some of the fun factor and immediacy of a standalone box like the MD. Now seeing how seemlessly they integrate, I realise how silly I’ve been.

I especially love the fact that you can access certain extra features (trig cond, microtiming) directly on the MD when connected to the MCL. Those two, together with individual track lengths and the ability to play the MD polyphonically, were the things I wanted an MCL for.

Thanks a lot for making the tutorial, @acidk!


I would love a tutorial on poly mode - I feel like the manual is written by devs who know the mCL inside out already (rather than a simpleton like me!)


Yep this concept, and how the pattern saves and loads are managed between the MD & MC would be a good thing to cover. They were some of the things it took me a bit to get my head around, though it has improved since v2.x. The MC is nowadays so deep though that regarding tutorials, a series could easily develop.

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Good point! I also had my problems to understand the grid concept in the beginning, but after some trial and error it completely convinced me. And it is much easier than I expected in the beginning.

Might also depend on how deep you want to go down the rabbit hole. So - the next tutorial will be on “Basic Grid Operations”.

After spending more and more time with the MCL: It completely eliminates my needs for a +Drive.


Great work!

This is awesome! I’ve been learning to use the MCL a little bit but it still seems quite confusing to me. Thank you so much for making tutorials!!

And tutorial 02 on the GRID, loading and saving!



This was very helpful! Thank you so much!

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Can I ask, where did you get your MCL? I seem to have a bit of trouble finding it pre-assembled

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They’ve been DIY until recently


oooh thanks so much

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Thanks a lot for these tutorials ! I just ordered a MCL :slight_smile:
I have some questions regarding MD song mode use alongside MCL :

I love to use the MD song mode. It has cool features and I use it to control my Digitakt as well. I understand that with the MCL you get new ways to control and chain tracks, but I think i’d still like to use the MD song mode : how does it integrate with the MCL ? For example, assuming I set an individual track length to 1/8, will I be able to specify a pattern lenght in song mode as long as 512 steps, so I can get the full pattern playing before switching to the next row ?

thanks !

MCL takes over the MDs sequencer so song mode isn’t available in Enhanced mode.
The Grid offers opportunities beyond song mode but is a different approach.
You have slots for each individual track for which you can set length, loop and jump amounts

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Thank you for the clarification. I suppose then that, using the grid, there is no way I could control my Digitakt pattern changes as smoothly as when my MD is master and Digitakt is slave ?

you could send a program change from a midi track?

I suppose, but usually you then run into the problem that the Digitakt (says), receiving the pc information just at the beginning of the new sequence (or pattern or…) will have to complete it’s (former) sequence before actually changing it’s pattern. This doesn’t happen when you simply drive one elektron device with one another because I suppose that, in song mode for example (or pattern chain or manual pattern change) , the PC/pattern information is forwarded in advance, so everything in neatly synced.