MD + Ableton workflow

Apparently, many of us used MD with Ableton. I simply recorded audio loops without even synchronising them by MIDI. What is your workflow?

MD is sitting in an audio track in Live. temposynced.
i record md patterns in the project to avoid seraching an dloading up
the patterns on the md when i reopen a project.

librarian would be so nice, which total recalls all md parameters wehn open a live project.

Have you managed to figure out a solution with Live’s PDC issue?
Do you also have to wait 2 Bars until Live and the MD are in sync?

My setup at the moment is:
MD controls Blofeld/Little Phatty/Juno all hooked up to a Mixing Desk. Ableton acts basically as a tape recorder.
I used to trigger drumracks with the MD but I came to the conclusion that Ableton, Midi and MD is not the best combination. You will either lose Plocks, sequencing functions or automations.
So I decided to stick with MD as main sequencer and simply record everything as audio into ableton and arrange the recordings afterwards.
I got a TM1 recently and will try if there is a big difference in midi implementation but as long as Plocks can’t be recorded in Live it’s uninteresting anyway.

Two bars seems extreme…
Have you adjusted the midi sync setting in Ableton?

Set Ableton to send midi clock and midi start and stop, hit play then adjust the timing util the units are in sync. Sort of like syncing up two turntables.

You should be set, however there will be a little skip at the beginning of the beat as the two systems sync up.