MD and Cubase,.... your workflow?


i use Cubase 6.5 and the MD-UW for beats. First way to work with this both i created Pattern in the MD and recorded the Pattern via Midinotes to Cubase. I often use parameter locks, but it seems that the MD didn´t tranfer these p- locks over Midi. So thats not my way.

Second way: Pattern made in MD and the full song constructed in song-mode in MD.
Starting the MD from Cubase via Midiclock. It seems alright.
But i like it the “You see is what you get” Patternmode in Cubase. It is easier to change the arrangement , easier to change Pattern, not so complicated like the songmode in MD.

Third way: Recording the used pattern as audiofile. Not the real shot. Not the flexibiblity if you will change a single sound later. Often difficult because some echoes or reverb are cut when only record the org. pattern length.

4th way: Pattern created in MD and start individual pattern via midinote start.
it seems the best way of both world.

What is your optimized workflow to use the both worlds to arrange your songs?

greetings from a german user