MD as both slave in and master out help

having trouble with something. wondering if there is a setting im missing here.

MD is slave to innerclock sync gen
TR8 is connected to midi out of machine drum and drum hits are triggered by MD

that all works fine…P locks on tr8 = awesome… but tr8 sequencer does not start.

however i also want tr8 (sequencer) to start playing when MD does. to allow for double programming… very fun when i manually press play so they are running in time…

so it seems when MD is a slave it does not send start stop from its midi out?

tempo in (external), ctrl in (on) , tempo out (on), ctrl out (on) are all enabled.

short of using a midi merger to merge innerclock and MD control to the tr8 midi input, is there a setting here im missing or even a midi start message i could program into a MD pattern, that would make the MD start tr8 sequencer while in slave mode?

just bumping this in case anyone has an answer. pretty sure it aint possible without a midi merger tho.

Does the TR-8 starts when connecting thu the midi-thru ?