Hi Elektronauts,
a short question

Is possible make a decent FAT and detuned/metallic snare sound (dubstep or modern DnB style) on machinedrum?
i have tryed to change all parameters of all machine, bad sound! bad results!
Help me please :slight_smile:


I can’t give you precise settings right now since I am at the office, but my recommendation would be:

Try combining several machines together.

You can create nice snappy and smacking snare drums by connecting clap and snare sounds!

Happy experimenting,

I don’t think that’s possible on the MD. I’ve tried hard but never succeeded in that kind of sounds. To get such a sound, a lot of processing and layering is needed, more than the MD can offer.
MD excels more in glitchy minimal sounds imho, which is the opposite of a fat D&B snare.

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I have one kit which has all of the snare and clap machines set up and use this to make snare layers to resample.

I usually end up using a TR snare for the low-end thump, FM snare for the crack and sometimes a AM’ed hihat for the high end. A bit of very short gate delay can help things in the top end, along with hi-passing any frequesncies that aren’t required etc.

Once I’m happy with how it sounds I’ll resample to a RAM machine and save it as a sample. Sometimes I’ll save 2 slight variations then use these panned hard left and right on separate channels to give some width.

Sometimes its just easier to nick a snare off a record you like and layer it though. As if anyone is ever going to notice - its the dnb way tbh :wink:

can u give an example on what you try to achieve? …a snippet maybe?

I have an AR rather than an MD, and I’m not particularly familiar with dubstep or dnb, but FWIW when I want a fat snare I usually start with a Linn LM-1 or an Oberheim DMX snare sample and then roughen the sound up, and also add lower tones from the analog engine.

EDIT: OK, I just listened to some dubstep and the snare sounds like it might have a TR909 sample as its base sample.

Thanks bross

The conbination of clap and snare sound in multilayer is a good idea.
Now i’m sure: MD is a beast machine but not for explosive descructive sounds. :sob:
I will buy a DSI Tempest in this week.