MD Encoders

Hi guys, just wondering if its possible to set the encoders up differently, basically to have them move fast without pushing and move slower on push

most of the time I’m jamming with the beast and pushing down on the fellas all the time is going to take some waring plus i prefer being able to jump to the sound quicker in producer mode :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve seen this Q pop up a few times over the years; unfortunately, no there’s no way to invert the way the encoders work.

ahh that’s a shame, I’m guessing they’re not updating the O/S anymore these days are they ?

if you didn’t already know…you can however change the default resolution from 24 steps to 32 (for one complete end to end turn)

FUNC + Pattern / Song to open global settings

Control/Mech Settings.

cheers there

bit better that but not right still, im wondering if its worth emailing them on an update , i remember years ago when i had an md mk1 and noticed you couldn’t change bpm when the mute window was open, got onto them about that and they updated the os :slight_smile: my claim to shame hehe anyways i will inform , wish me luck hehe