MD froze and won’t start up

Has anyone encountered a start up screen like this? I’m within warranty period but want to know if there are any suggested fixes. I absolutely love my MD so hope it ain’t anything too serious :grimacing:.

Run startup test.

Perhaps needs new battery.

How do I run the start up test?

Hold function button when powering on. Do soft reset.

If the display does not improve it might be a lose connector.


Thanks mate. Got it into test mode and performed soft reset but no joy :disappointed:. I’ve put in a support ticket.

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prepare yourself for a $500 repair fee. just a guess.

Still under warranty so I’m hoping not!


When the LCD is filled with garbage pixels like this, it’s usually due to oxidization internally. It’s not as bad as it sounds though - what is oxidized is almost always the cables and connectors that connect the UI board (top PCB) and CPU board (bottom)

Cleaning the connectors should solve the issue, and if you don’t have any isopropyl alcohol simply pushing down firm on each connector will help momentarily.


A “how to” video resource that takes you through, step by step, cleaning and maintaining the legacy machines would be great.

Changing battery, oxidisation, pot replacement etc


here a video by me, how to open that crappy thing.
there exist two other parts. but they’re just about how to replace the encoders.