MD - Function Key not working

Hey gang… I just purchased a used MD recently, and have been having a great time with it. After a few days, however, I’ve been having issues with the responsiveness of certain keys, especially the Function key.

Sporadically, if I don’t press it more firmly than usual, it will not respond to the command I make when combining it with another key, and will just make the normal command of that key. For example, Function+Pattern/Song will just switch between Pattern/Song modes. I have applied the Factory Reset twice now, but the problem persists.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is this a known bug, or a potential problem specific to my machine? This is affecting more than just the function key, but since I use it often, it’s been the most problematic. Needless to say this is annoying, as remembering to depress the key with enough force is not always easy when you’re working on things on the fly, and it’s probably not good for the keys.

The MD was running OS 1.62 when I purchased it, and I upgraded it to 1.63 within 2 days. I was not having this issue before. Any advice would be appreciated, as I need to know whether I have to return this soon!


Unfortunately, this sounds like a hardware problem rather than anything caused by a firmware upgrade.

Unfortunately, this sounds like a hardware problem rather than anything caused by a firmware upgrade. [/quote]
In other words: I should probably return it before it’s too late, and get a replacement that works properly, eh?

There is a diagnostic mode that tests various aspects of the hardware - it might test this button.
However, I think you get to it by holding function on bootup.

So if it’s just purchased, I would exchange it.

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Yeah, I had purchased it used. Lesson learned. Found a new one for a decent price - thanks for your feedback!