MD issue: kits gone universal

Hi all.
I hope you can help me here.

While playing a pattern [F11] I wanted to adjust the reverb settings on the master effects page.
Accidently I hit the song/pattern mode causing the MD to start playing an old song arranged with different patterns and older kits.
The weird thing was, that the old song was playing back using the same kit I had been using on F11, not the original ones it was composed of…

Then I went back to pattern mode, and I tried playing a lot of different patterns originally linked to different kits (of course). But the issue persisted. All patterns played back using the same kit I had been using on F11.
I then tried loading a different kit, but then that kit would be linked to whatever pattern I would chose to play. So kits had ‘gone universal’, instead of being linked to patterns.

[li]The problem persisted after turning the unit off and on again.[/li]
[li]I tried changing snapshot, and fortunately the problem was not occurring in all other snapshots. But it persisted when I went back to the snapshot in question. [/li]
[li]Also tried reloading that one snapshot, but no luck.[/li]
Anyone have any idea what is going on?
Or has anyone experienced the same behaviour?

Help is much appreciated.
All best,

Are you in “Classic” mode?

Ahh. Indeed I was. :zonked: “classic mistake” :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot.