MD kick gives pops

Is it normal behaviour when you program 1/16 notes with like the TRX-BD2 machine, it gives some clicks and pops. It sounds like the impulse machine a bit?

It’s kinda annoying :s

Try a rising quick lfo on volume to remove the attack.
Or a LP filter usually helps.

Tweaking doesn’t get me there. It seems like it is the way the machine behaves or mine is somehow not working correct.

When the kick is played in 8th notes, so it has room to “breath” it doesn’t have this popping sound, only when played fast like in 16th notes

Maybe the compressor is bringing out the click?

You might be encountering the phasing issue that results from the TRX-B2’s free-running oscillator.

Hey, could you post a sound example?

maybe try the same machine in a fresh pattern and kit. See if it’s the machine, or your ‘kit’ setup.

This doesn’t answer your question, but I experienced the same thing when my MDUW was new, I don’t experience this anymore. I don’t know if it went away on it’s own, or I’ve tweaked my sounds enough that it doesn’t happen.
I get unwanted clicks when I use synth type sounds - - BD2 distorted with a long decay, single sycle waves… what I do to correct this is using an LFO with a ramp, to act like an attack envelope and I make sure my note lengths don’t interfere with eachother.

The other thing… try making a full pattern, you might not notice the clicks with everything else running;)

The comp is usually a cause of this clicking as well.

Experiment, it’ll go away, or your just wont notice it anymore :wink:

One other thing… the sounds don’t necessarily cancel each-other out… check your peak meter, and if it’s clipping adjust.

Running 16 note BDs will go over my headroom limit, so I’ll adjust the volume of the BD in my kit, or at least parameter lock volume levels on the places where needed.

Another thing that might be causing clicks is the LFO settings. When I first got my MD I had a similar problem and also thought I had a bad MD. I finally figured out that the LFO settings had been barely moved, but it was enough to make the one sound pop and click. It can be the tiniest thing sometimes!

Try fixing it with trigger LFO’s rising on volume…even a very fast time should do it.