MD Left & Right Volume difference

I don’t know if it’s normal or not but since i got Brainworx Level Meter I notice every time i record an sound on my MD into Live there is a level differnce between L & R… I don’t know if it was always there because it’s the first time i see it… So i was wondering if this is normal or not? The difference isn’t that big when it comes out of the MD but it get’s bigger when i process the sound.
If this is normal i just record in Mono i guess.


Can you give more details ? Are you talking about a stereo mix from the MD coming from the stereo outs ? How does it look if you just send a kick for example straight down the center of the MD stereo out ?

Do you have any panning capabilities on your interface ? Have you checked the balance there ?

i had that issue for years until i realised it was the trs jack coming out slightly … very small amount… and then, when i touch the leads on the back, it would kind of feel as though the lead was in but it wasn’t. very subtle difference in stereo field but it was there.

so, perhaps that would work, ensuring the leads are connected all the way in to the L/R outputs of the Machinedrum, double check to ensure there is no extra 2 millimeters.

Same issue here.

Hmm. Could it be unbalanced cables causing this? I just learned what Balanced means, and I feel dumb for not knowing. I’ve been using TS connections this whole time, into unbalanced inputs.

I’m still not sure if using regular instrument cables would have any effect other than allowing interference into the signal path. Yet, I’m still thinking that using balanced ins, and balanced cables might make things right, but I don’t know, I’ve never gone this in depth with audio connections and cables before.

Does anyone know more about this? Would using unbalanced lines with balanced outs cause this problem?

This is not normal MD behavior. Mine is not uneven on the outputs.

I have used TS and TRS cables with the MD with similar performance. If I was making runs of longer than 15 feet then I’d want to use TRS for sure.

Using TS cables alone would not cause this issue. Check the cables to make sure they are functioning properly. If you move the jacks around does the sound change?

Have you tried using different cables?

^ as tsv suggested: tried different cables?

and…i dont want to presume you didn’t…just wondering…But’have you tried to swap Left Right in soundcard input or MD output? Does the difference follows swapping? Or not?

giving that the cables can be considered identical (speaking about type [TS ;TRS], manufacturer, length, conditions)

• if the signal difference follows swapping => probably issue on OUT (MD)

• if the difference doesn’t follow => probably issue on INP (Soundcard)

Regarding cables (TS…TRS)

An unbalanced (TS) cable on a transformer balanced circuit (out - inp) would result in a 6dB gain loss at the input.

but if both cables are identical, lossing will be identical

Speaking specifically about MD…it has impedance balanced outputs, not transformer balanced output.
So, using TS or TRS cable will make no difference for MD.

It does if you are interconnecting transformer balanced gear.
Use always balanced cables!

i had bad cables going into my Focusrite ext usb sound card which gave me balance issues

So yeah, it’s just my input (not even a real interface). I tried a guitar and keyboard and they both had the same difference. So, I’ll be buying a real audio interface soon.



What about you JNS?

Sorry for late answer, i missed all these replies.
If i record a straight kick, no panning what so ever there is a difference of volume. I changed cables, looked into my rme’s total mix setting etc… found nothing. It’s the first time i noticed it because of the brainworx level plugin… So there might be something wrong with my MD

tested with difference cables… same result… volume differnce -_-

Hi guys,

sorry for the late reaction but i missed some notifications.

I changed cables, tried other inputs on my soundcard, and I plugged my OT in the same inputs with the same cables and he didn’t had the difference… So i think it’s something in the MD or the Jacks of the MD who are causing the difference…

well i just had to endure some kraut rock to check out one of the brainworx videos on their site. :sob:

how much difference are you talking ? i ask because there seemed to be left/right level differences on the meters in that video too…are you sure it’s not something in the way you have the plug in set up. do you have another way to visually check the output?

EDIT: just saw your last post…ok…more head scratching here.

Ableton gives the same differnce but in the plugin you have a bar that indicates your balance. So thats why i saw the differnce.

Just checked and the difference is about 0.5 db. It isn’t a lot but i wanted to know if its normal or not :stuck_out_tongue: seems not…

Just wondering…have you tried to duplicate the kick track? Then one will go to DIRECT A and the other to DIRECT B.

Still the same?

just wondering…also, maybe some dirts inside the MD’s jack socket?