MD Magic

:+1: for this thread!

Notice the MNM displays the same behaviour though the OT does not!
Anyone know about the A4, mine is still ###### so canā€™t test!

lock some sounds at zero volume, switch to classic. :joy:

of course thereā€™s lots more you can do with this beyond volume.

if youā€™ve used the octatrack you can think of it as a simplified (but kinda better tbh) take on parts.

feedback is awesome to resample and use as a sound source. use a limiter or run it into a mixer that sounds okay clipping and explore. :slight_smile: having fun with it is the easiest way to learn to avoid it, i think.


My favorite trick is the stereo thing

Got inspired by the thread and cooked this up, in stereo!

Not a trick, but a tipā€¦i love to send the MD output through an Oto Biscuitā€¦which can be sequenced by the MD at the same time.

It can fatten the signal very nicely.

it pretty much always comes back to this

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^ it really does. Iā€™ve watched that video countless times (it sold me on the MDUW), and I still watch it almost two years after getting my MD for inspiration.

Also, holy shit, resampling on the UW is awesome. Iā€™m working on a kit right now made only of a resampled GND-SIN, NS, and E12 hat (thus far)ā€¦just sampling, tweaking, resampling in another recorder, tweaking some more, resampling, saving from RAM to ROMā€¦why didnā€™t I do this sooner???

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i think the MDUW gets marginalized a bit these days with all the new products elektron has pumped out over the last several years. a also think the MD will go down in history as a legendary synthesizer. if you are careful, it could be all you need.

1st time seeing that video. Pretty sweet demo vid.

(a) bumping this thread up as itā€™s got some great tips to new MD users like me (hi everybody!)
(b) found this trick already on my own as I just got an Evolver a couple of months before the MD and saw program-change as a parameter and figured ā€œwell, I bet it can be param-locked thenā€ and it worked great. Didnā€™t know it was an MD exclusive!

Yeah cool stuff. Same behavior with waldorf pulse plus (the old one).
Nice electro/german basses.

such impassioned! so much aggressive! :zonked: So glad you are inspired!

(a) bumping this thread up as itā€™s got some great tips to new MD users like me (hi everybody!)
(b) found this trick already on my own as I just got an Evolver a couple of months before the MD and saw program-change as a parameter and figured ā€œwell, I bet it can be param-locked thenā€ and it worked great. Didnā€™t know it was an MD exclusive!
Actually, you p-lock Program Change with the MNM as well. Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve checked, but I donā€™t think you can control this parameter with an LFO on the MD, while you can do it on the Mono.

+1 on ANY percussive machine through the OTO Biscuit :imp:

and how about using one or more of the 16 tracks to MIDI control the OTO parameters? LFO generating CC to cutoff, or resonance? To sample rate?

+1 on ANY percussive machine through the OTO Biscuit :imp:

and how about using one or more of the 16 tracks to MIDI control the OTO parameters? LFO generating CC to cutoff, or resonance? To sample rate?
Something really devilish is running percussive machines, especially base drums, through the old Metasonix pedal-style waveshaper. That thing turned those little Monotribe clicky bass drums into something fierce. Oh man, that just went high on the list of things to try and (re)sample.

(a) bumping this thread up as itā€™s got some great tips to new MD users like me (hi everybody!)
(b) found this trick already on my own as I just got an Evolver a couple of months before the MD and saw program-change as a parameter and figured ā€œwell, I bet it can be param-locked thenā€ and it worked great. Didnā€™t know it was an MD exclusive!
Actually, you p-lock Program Change with the MNM as well. Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve checked, but I donā€™t think you can control this parameter with an LFO on the MD, while you can do it on the Mono. [/quote]
Yes, youā€™re right
As soon as I read your post, I plug my MnM and went to midi sequencer. I saw the prog change on the first parameters page. How could I forget such a wonder power top thing !

Wow !
Interesting !!! And weird at the same timeā€¦

If you want your hats to triger between the steps, set the delay up with no feedback ( so it repeats only once ), set the time to 8 and plock delay send max on the steps you want.

Reading back thru this thread again after just going back to my old red devil.

Anyway, to add to the cut paste undo trick is :
Copy org track - say itā€™s a Tom baseline line
Hold function and change the machine - say a big bad fm bd.
New weird noises.
Play for a bit - filter and muck around
Paste org Tom bass
Then do undo to go back to fm bd
You can swift back and forth at lightening speeds

Also copy and paste allows you to do the classic extended trick, per track.

Thereā€™s a lot of varititation to be had. Particularly if you resample or cut up onto other tracks