MD midi clarification

So I’ve been sequencing a Virus TI2 with a MID machine on track 10 with no real issues

But I noticed that tracks 1-4 were set to EFM machines for audio, yet they triggered the Virus chromatically according to whatever EFM track was playing. So Track 1 would trigger a C note on the virus, track 2 would trigger C#, track 3 would trigger D and so on

Is there something I’m missing? I would like to turn off the chromatic triggering if possible but I’m not quite sure how to go about it

Any thoughts welcomed!

Are you using the Virus in Multimode? Because maybe parts 1-4 from the Virus are set to ON so they are receiving midi, therefore playing notes

I’ve actually never used Multi mode, in this instance I was in Single mode when I was having issues

I did switch it to Seq mode and it seemed to have solved the trick but I wonder how to prevent single mode from triggering like that

Thanks for chiming in!

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check your global settings on MD (Base Channel) set to: –

seems that MD is triggering Virus on chanels 1-4 so i think is the problem just setup the base channel

best Rod

Good to know!
So what exactly are the base channels for? What type of midi info comes out of the base channels?

You can find these specific info on the manual