MD + Mixer configuration

I have a new MD and it’s great. But I’m struggling to establish a configuration with my 12 channel mixer that is simple yet versatile.

I could send everything out through the main outs and just control levels, effects, etc. within the MD, but I’d rather have some machines on their own mixer channels for quick muting, fading, EQ, external effect sends, etc. However, breaking everything up into individual channels can get confusing when making changes on the fly and of course you can’t use the MD effects on the non-main outputs.

So my questions are:

  1. What is your setup?

  2. Do you always keep everything routed the same way i.e. kick is always on trig 1 which is always going to output C which is always going to mixer channel one? Or does this change depending on the song you’re working on? Ideally, I’d like to establish a standardized setup that works well for both the studio and live.

Hope this makes sense and thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this.


I’m using the MD exclusively for drums. That’s not always been the case but anyways. slight variations of track assignments, but consistent within each bank.

Case 1: search for the thread "MD track setup inspired by TR-909’ via google or Justin Valer’s MD-909 kit (not exactly the same setup, but very similar).
Case 2: 12 tracks for drums, 4 for ctr-8p, ram and/or ctr-al. btw, ctr-8p is particularly useful for a flexible controller setup when using external knobs via midi. Note that the MD’s Midi implementation does not consider an auto channel as, for instance, the OT.
Case 3: just 8 tracks with extra punchy/fat sounds, when more would be too much.

The standardization allows to switch sample banks and to excessively use classic mode while ensuring that everything sounds ‘right’.

Regarding audio routing, I mainly use two setups.

Case 1 - compact setup: Kick to separate outs. Track 1 (kick) to out C to the mixer, track 2 to out D for sidechaining, MD main outs through A4, then through sidechain comp.
Case 2 - dedicated mixer setup: 1-2 to A, 3-4 to B, 5-8 to C, 9-10 to D, 11-12 to E, 13-16 to F, or slight variations thereof. No usage of main outs, but since I bought an El Cap, I don’t miss the internal FX at all.

You can use different global slots to change routings while the sequencer is playing.

Edit: if you need inspiration regarding a mixed drum/synth setup for the MD, search for the old ‘starting smoothly set’ thread and sysex download

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Thanks for the input, MK7. It’s gonna take me a bit to digest your response, as I’m still really new to the MD but this is a great start.

I’m using the MD for more than just drums which may complicate things a bit as far as creating standardized kits, but I’m sure I’ll eventually settle on a few configurations that work for me. I like the idea of switching global spots for different routing setups. Using things like the El Cap to make up for the lack of internal effects sounds like it could simplify things, too.

If anyone else has ideas or suggestions, please keep em coming.

I would then start with a separate outs configuration and think about the content of tracks later.

Suggestion: tr 1-2: A, tr 3-4: B, tr 5-6: C, tr 7-8: D, tr 9-12: E, tr 13-16: F, having in mind that tr 9-16 might contain some ram/ctr goodness.

Ask dubathonic/chad about best practices regarding track setup when using the MD not just for drums.

You might also consider buying a MiniCommand for chromatic recording of synth lines.

Totally hearing you on this topic. I have a similar situation. The experience I’ve had is, it’s so great to be able to p-lock effects sends, effects params and panning etc, and it’s so inspiring doing all that while composing (rather than mixing afterwards) that it seems a shame to lose that by tracking through the separate outs.

Please do let me know how you get on with this and I’ll do the same!
