MD OS1.63: Pattern switch stops functioning

Hello there!

I have a MD OS1.63 hooked up via midi to A4 OS1.06 (MD midi out to A4 midi in).

When I do a performance & start switching patterns on the MD, after a while it is no longer possible to switch patterns. The devices keep playing and everything else works fine, but pattern switching is no longer possible :frowning:

Is this a known bug? Does it have to do something with my configuration? Pls. let me know as with this setup up I do not dare to perform live … . The only way to get things up and running is to switch the MD off and on again.

For the rest, great gear … but this is a severe issue for me.

Thanks in advance for your help, Michiel.

Hmm yea, this is a known issue, hopefully it will be fixed soon.

What happens is when you are selecting another pattern with BANK+Trig button, if u accidently press 2 trigs at once, pattern selection goes nuts and locks up :frowning:

oeehh, not good. not good at all. But thank you for your explanation so at least i now know i should be really careful when switching banks. Pretty tough to find what was causing it.

I’ll def. submit request for bugfix later this week, seems to me like a prio 1: machines freezing up … hmmm. :astonished:

Thanks again! Michiel.

I would just recommend making the A4 master, your problem should go away…
i use OT as master to A4 then MD last

Hey I see your post just now! I will try that sure enough!

Thanks for the tip! Michiel.

hey folks …

i usually am very happy with pressing more than one bank pattern key (G1 and G2) to repeat patterns G1 and G2 continuously

I think he meant two bank buttons not two trigs as two trigs will chain patterns.

ooh, i see… i wouldnt press 2 bank buttons … i heared that makes the MD go :rage:

ok so my Md Mk 1 is not broken yet its just a bug?

already was thinking it was at the end of its lifespan 10 years :stuck_out_tongue:
but dataline this even happens to me when i only press bank e most off the time so no double presses here maybe dirt inside ? (it just stops the P selection method I turn it off and on again to get back to P selection , hope there is going to be a fix for it soon

please confirm this is a bug and could I go back to older os to prefend it from happening. my md is slave to ot pattern selection is done manual

thankz tjebbe

hey tjebbe …how is your situation?
i think i got the same problem(jog wheel stilll funkctioning though, and all trigs light up nicely when in test mode)
Kits wont change is my thread …

there is also another (3) thread which I think is dealing with the same problem …

Old thread, I know…but…

My MD MKII+ started to have this problem. Was there ever a bug fix or some kind of solution?

I bought an MD Sps1 mk1 (first MD version) and I have the same problem. I have read all the comments but no solution is provided. Could someone help me? Is it a bug that can be fixed with an update or do I have to send it to Elektron for repair?

Make a support ticket on Elektron’s website. They will advise you.

Thanks Peter, I did it yesterday. I hope they answer soon. I just wanted to use all the possibilities I have.

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Just for sharing. I hope it will help to understand a little more the first version of MD (MKI). It can be useful for people who want to buy it second hand and to know the difference with the rest of versions that already incorporate +Drive. I paste the conversation between me and Elektron.


yes, all the patterns I use in the different songs are connected to its specific kit for that song. That’s how I usually work. One song, one kit, and I save always.

From what I’ve read, maybe the problem is that being the MD MKI version it doesn’t include +drive or snapshots, and that would limit the storage space.

In short, if I use the A01 pattern in different songs and in each song I relate it to a different kit (as I have said normally I use a kit for each song), when I open an old song should appear the A01 related to the kit I used in this concrete song or should appear the kit I used in the last song for A01?

In my case, it happens the second possibility, when I open an old song, all the patterns appear well organized but the kits are the ones I used in last songs. This leads me to think that in the MKI you have 16 patterns for A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and if you occupy those patterns with some kit, because you can’t save projects because there is no +drive, if you use that same pattern in another song, the kit that will appear is the one of the last song.

I hope you understand now better my case… I need to know if it’s working right like that or not.

Ok, I think I understand. The song mode only holds the information on what patterns should be played in sequence so yes, that is expected behavior. If you load a different song it will use the kit that is associated with that pattern.

​If you use all the patterns in all banks for one song you need to create a new project for this to work. And as you said, it’s not possible without the +drive and you have to save it and send it to and from your computer (through Sysex). Like you do.

​I use the banks as songs since I don’t need all patterns for one song. For example, Bank A is one song and Bank B is another one and so on. But of course, it’s a bit easier when you have the +drive. It’s a bit tricky to describe and I hope that my explanation isn’t too hard to grasp.