MD out of stock or what?

Hey guys, I ordered a MD over a month ago at the hight of the sale and I am still waiting and waiting. Anyone else waiting for theirs to arrive.
Luckily I have a store model to tie me over but its not the UW version and no paper manual ( I hate reading PDFs). Please tell the UW version is worth the wait. I do love the MD non UW but I am a resampling junkie. I also have the MnM as my main sequencer. I know the store has Octatracks in stock but I dont want to make an silly decisions. Should probably just wait it out.

Hi there,

if you want to sample and sample go for the octatrack. MD UW is very limited talking about memory size for sampling


The UW is worth the wait.

I ordered a monomachine a while back and have been told to expect by the end of April. Was going to order the standard machinedrum but then got the UW model from guitar guitar. So glad i did as i’m having loads of fun with it. I do have an octatrack too but i find the machinedrum just so quick to do dirty sampling

I tried the OT last night and it is such a different beast. The MD fits much better with my MnM. I already have an MPC JJOS which I still need to explore. I know I will end up with the Octatrack one day.
I also love how the MD came first and to see how they carried some ideas over to the MnM OS. 2 classic machines no doubt.

Bruh. It’s worth the wait! The drum synthesis can get good sounds.

The sampler lo-fi is amazing. I own an SP1200, EPS Classique, MPC60 II, and Studio 440. The UW’s lo-fi capabilities remind me most of my EPS and Studio 440, but it’s portable. :joy:

I ordered mine from a 3rd party vendor about 3 weeks ago and got it the next day. I guess they just had a few in stock.

Glad to hear the UW has its own character.
I really love the character of different Samplers.
I have the EMU E4XT Ultra and its very smooth and deep sounding while the MPC 1K is a bit hard often close to clipping but full.
Really looking forward to stretching out some 12bit UW samples. Bring on the grain!